"Abigail run! Run!" I faintly heard Pluto shouting from the floor, but I couldn't break my stare from them. The last time I saw them, I was desperately crawling across the parking lot trying to save Naomi as Gemma laid a few feet away in a crumple. My memories of them were hardly there, I still knew they were present though.

"Abigail!" I heard Pluto shout again, and all in an instant I was released from my daze when I saw the Tinkers raising their guns. I highly doubted they were intending on shooting me, but if they made it over to Pluto then they'd probably finish him off. Looking back at him and the Tinkers I then raised the sledgehammer above my head and charged them. With ease I knocked down two of them with one swing and once I had taken down the third, I swung again at the other two and kept hitting them until I was positive, they weren't getting up again. "Die you bastards!" I shouted, then kicking their mangled metallic bodies down the stairs. Once they hit the bottom, I turned back to Pluto.

"That was hardcore." Pluto breathed, looking up at me in shock. Exhaling slowly, I dropped down next to him.

"Are you hurt bad?" I asked, cringing at the sight of his shirt slowly turning a dark brown. He appeared to be bleeding out but didn't seem to be in pain.

"Unfortunately. The bullet hit my nutriment cylinders and if I don't stop this leak, I won't be able to move." He informed, and I shook my head in confusion.

"Your nutriment cylinders?" I asked and he nodded with a sharp breath as he gripped onto me so I could help him up. Like Jupiter's hand, his were also warm.

"The pipe that pumps the gasoline and other things I need through my body, if it all leaks out to a certain point I'm going to shut down, and that's bad so we need to get going. There's going to be more Tinkers, there's always more." He urged, then attempting to stand by himself up but he only made it a one step before collapsing again. This made his leakage flow heavier.

"Pluto, Pluto be careful. You're making it worse!" I said urgently, as I helped him up once again.

"It doesn't matter, I have to get up. I'm not going to stay here and die on this floor. I won't let them get you." He insisted, trying to walk alone again, but he couldn't even take one step this time. Groaning, he leaned heavily against me, as his shirt stained faster.

"Pluto please just lay down We have time; we can wait for the others. Didn't you tell Neptune you had a way of contacting him if something happened?" I asked anxiously. If he shut down the way he said he was going to, I would be alone in the house.

"We don't have time Abigail! We need to go."

"Yes, we do! We can hide in the bedroom! They couldn't have gone far!" I insisted, breathing in and out sharply as I grabbed his arm. "Pluto please, we still have time to hide. I can drag you into one of the rooms, if you move to much you're going to completely bleed out." I begged, the thought scaring me more and more as each second passed.

"If we stay here Abigail, they're going to get you!" He snapped.

"Pluto please, please." I pleaded, hoping that'd be enough. Instead he grabbed my chin and gripped it firmly.

"If you escape, we can rescue them," He said, and I shook my head in confusion.

"W-Who?" I asked.

"Your family. If Titan said they were alive, they are alive. We knew there was a good chance there was. We also knew though he was going to use them to set a trap, that's why we figured it'd be easier to tell you they were dead." He admitted, making my heart stop. "They still have a chance Abigail, there's still a chance we can save them, but if we don't try to get you out of this house right now it'll be too late," He said as I heard the sound of glass breaking and wood tearing downstairs. The lights then flickered in the house, making my breath catch in my throat.

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