"My pleasure Manibear. I missed you and how did you know? you weren't in my party last night."

"Well, apparently Keana called me this morning a little bit frustrated asking me if I know that you were engaged and did not tell her but I said you haven't mentioned anything to me I'm as surprised as well" she said. I laugh at the thought of Keana freaking out after how we talked about Camila last night during the party.

"Okay let's meet up at the planet café not far from here. Is Keana with you?"

"Yeah probably since she's picking me up at the airport, I'm actually still waiting for her. That bitch is late again. I should have called you earlier instead."

"You should have known. Anyways, I'll see you later and please tell Keana to calm down a bit when she sees me. I'll tell you guys the full story when we meet." We said our goodbyes and cut off the line.

Normani and Keana are the only people I trust the most aside from my dad. They became my friends not because of my influence and money but because they had accepted me for whom I really am outside my family's influence.

After few hours of reviewing some papers I grab my purse and walked out of the office. I saw Lucy typing something on her computer "I'll be out for a while, Normani called she wanted to grab a lunch with Keana" she nodded and didn't speak. "I'll be back then we'll talk later" I turn towards the elevator and pull out my phone to call my driver.


I arrived at planet café and made my way inside. I scan the crowd and immediately saw Normani and Keana sitting on the table next to the window glass. I waved back and walk towards them.

''Hello Ms. New CEO" Normani greeted me with a smile. We kiss each other's cheeks before I took a sit next to her.

"Thank you if you meant congratulations?"

"Yeah congratulations I guess? But also congratulations in your engagement."

"Camila? Really Laur? You've known you'll be engage with her and not tell me while we were talking about her hot ass last night?" Keana said with exaggerated facial expression in her face.

"Camila as in Camila Cabello, the famous hottest playgirl photographer in New York?" Normani looked at me and Keana with surprising face.

I look at Normani with questionable face, though I agree she is hot but is she that famous? "Is she that famous? Cause I really haven't recognize her name before she did the photo-shot in our house"

"Well aside from being the most in demand photographer in every runway of all magazines, most all famous models requests to work with her than other man photographers and directors." Normani said, curiosity runs thru my head.

"Have you worked with her before?" I ask subtly and waived to the waiter for a menu.

"Or more likely, have you slept with her?" Keana said not with a questionable tone but rather statement manner. I looked at Normani holding my breath and waited for her answer hoping she'd say no.

She looks at me raised one eyebrow, "you seemed curious?"

"Of course she's curious, she'll be marrying the hottie" Keana said with a smirk leaning her back on her chair.

"She is hot, but she's not my type so don't worry madam CEO. I've worked with her before but I haven't slept with her" she said giving me a wink, I sigh thanking that none of my friends have slept with her. But why am I so bothered if any of them have slept with her. She continued "I've met her when I choreograph the music video of Ariana Grande which I've known her only 'serious relationship' with. Apparently it didn't totally last long according to my source." That statement caught my attention, she lowered her face acting something might have slipped her mouth.

"And may I know who your source is?" I asked facing her raising my eyebrow.

"Well, she had a close friend which I've dated once and topic kinda ended up talking about her."

"I have an idea, since I know you're a bit curious with this hottie photographer" Keana said excitedly like she just come up with a very brilliant plan. "You think you can call your friend and arrange a double date together with Ms. Hottie and Ms. CEO?" she asks Normani pointing at me.

"Lucky if she's still in Miami," I said knowing most of Normani's date were in New York.

"Well, that's a great idea Kea, and one way to find out Ms. CEO." She grabs her purse and pull out her phone dialed a number. "Hi cutie, I have a news for you, guess what? I'm also in Miami now visiting a friend, are you with Camila now?" she starred at her phone, smirked and showing me what's on her screen. I saw image of Camila wearing faded skinny jeans and sports bra, leaning on the kitchen counter with her butt slightly bent while licking the spoon she's holding. Normani pulled her phone back to her ears "sorry babe, thanks for the photo I just showed it to my friend and she's drooling, now she's wondering if she could take your friend to dinner; we could go on double date if you won't mind. My friend is super hot as well that they'll probably burn each other in their hotness." She glances at me and wink.

I shook my head but the that image of Camila on that outfit, I felt my body heat up and electricity ignites thru my veins. I saw Keana smirking while looking at my reaction and listening to Normani talk on her phone. "Tonight is good, yeah 7, ok, can you text me the address? Ok babe, see you later. Bye." She hang-up her phone and brace myself for another arranged date they set me up. Even I don't like the idea I just shook my head and find this interesting. After finishing our lunch for an hour and a half I headed back to the office and went back to work.


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