[ 15 ] The Line That Separates Us

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The Line That Separates Us

Bionics (Bree)


It was dark. It had been since he had taken the flashlight from me. More recently, it had been dark since I had woken up. He had tried to warn me, telling me that I would either stay gone for a bit, or completely leave forever. I couldn't listen through the pain, it had taken me over. I could barely hear him as he shut the door on me, leaving me to either sleep or die. It had been far too easy for him to do that. For him to act that way to me. For him to leave me a second time. Even if his last words to me had been sweet, kind, or caring. I knew what he really was. No one, who truly loved or cared for you, would ever treat you that way. Chase knew where he belonged, and he was scarily good at being he was meant to be.

I flipped onto my side, staying down against the cold metal ground. I hadn't gotten up from my spot with my awakening. I didn't have a reason to move, so I had merely stayed put. I didn't want to draw attention to myself. If I moved, they would know. The androids would see it. They could do anything to me here. I was trapped, and full of information. Information that they wanted, that they needed so badly.

"Bree?" A voice whispered softly, barely loud enough for me to hear. I narrowed my eyes to a spot across the room. It was odd to me, to be looking that far away. I could have sworn this room was smaller. This room that Chase had left me in. It hadn't been as small as the room that Mr. Davenport had called our mission base before the bombing, but it was small enough. Every wall of this room was made out of that same, rustic metal. But then it hit me. That wall had been made of glass, the wall that was no longer there. The androids had merely expanded the room as the prisoners arrived. The prisoners, being none other than the bionic race. "Please tell me that's you." The voice tried again, this time, registering in my mind as a male voice. I knew who it was. It didn't take that long for me to figure it out.

I nodded as I pushed up off the ground, stumbling to my feet as I took slow steps forward. Lying down for so long had forced my legs to fall asleep. They had almost gone completely numb. As I grew closer to him, I could see two other forms lying just next to him. It was a surprise that they had allowed us to be in a single room together. All of us, when we had seemed like the biggest threat to Giselle before. "It's me." I hushed, kneeling down in front of him. There was a small space at the center of the room, a line that was drawn between the two spaces. The androids must have simply pulled up the glass wall, opening the space for us. That line on the ground, the line or indent in the ground that separated us before, was where the glass wall slid into. It could be closed at any time. Or opened as needed.

Mr. Davenport nodded as he patted the space next to him, watching as I sat at his side. My father and I sat in silence, my arms wrapped around my legs as I brought them up to my chest. "I almost thought we could do it." I whispered, staring down at my still unconscious brother and uncle. Mr. Davenport frowned, the dark room making it hard for us to see one another.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Davenport questioned, making sure to keep his voice low. We both knew what would happen if they heard us talking. For all they knew, we could be planning something big. Something like an escape. I shrugged my shoulders up and down. I knew what I meant. I had thought we could make it. I had been thinking of this battle as simple. I had merely compared it to our battle with Marcus and Douglas. Quick and painless I had pushed away the thoughts of the last time we had battled an entire army on our own. That, had been tough. Long and drawn out. We had barely taken Krane out. But for this battle, I had wanted to keep positive thoughts.

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