[ 9 ] The Plan, All Along

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The Plan, All Along

Androids (Chase)


Giselle. She had started this. Her plan from the beginning had been to go through with the war on the bionics. Ever since college, the intelligent woman had been shunned for her development of human androids, robots that so clearly simulated human life. They could be walking among us now without our knowledge. Namely because of her technology. But, because her genius had been pushed away, hidden for such a long time, she had grown resentful of the the rest of the world. She began to hate, loath even, anyone who was praised for even the stupidest of work. Despite the horrid affairs her life had held until this point, this wasn't what turned her to the dark side.

Enter Donald Davenport, along with his evil younger brother, Douglas Davenport. Together, the two created the bionic chip, which had then been implanted into three genetically engineered humans. These three, Adam, Bree and myself, were hidden away for sixteen years. Even when we had been amongst society, no one knew of our caliber. Our skills kept a secret until that awful day. This day, was one for her history books. The day that the bionics were accepted in the scientific community, praised along with their creators, was one that Giselle despised the most. In that moment, the bionic war was born.

Without our knowledge, or of anyone's alike, Giselle began planning the attacks on the bionic race. Though at the time there were only three, even she could predict the growth of the population. That only fueled the fire further. Giselle was angered, not only by the fact that the bionics were now adored by the public and were being used for good, but that she didn't receive the same attention for her work. It was flawless, is still flawless, no less, and yet the world had been sucked in by the tabloids, all reporting on the lives of Adam, Bree, and Chase.

The adaptation of the Bionic Academy gave her the opportunity to finally act on her plan. A year or more of her life, had been spent solely on plotting against the bionic race, and it was finally her time to show the world what she was made of. She had created Troy years upon years ago, this android being one of the older models and less useful, but she could trust him. After the time he had spent staying by her side, she had grown quite fond of him, and knew Bree would take to him accordingly.

While Troy had been learning the ropes of being a bionic superhuman from us, Giselle had been preparing for war against the bionic race, or the demise of them as such. She knew it would come quickly, after her true intentions were revealed. The movie act could only be kept up for so long. She had planted bombs, different traps, and anything else that struck fear into the hearts of mere mortals, all across the academy grounds. She had made a layout map of every location, placing special attention on the areas that the students, or the top team, spent the most of their time. Or even laying out ways she could trap them in the island. Rooms like the living quarters, or the check in point, were marked out in red.

That being said, she needed one last bit of information, and Troy was going to get it for her. By knowing the framework of the bionic chip, she could even be able to destroy every one of them, simply with the push of a button. No harm would be done, and not a soul would blame her for the destruction. She would make it seem as though the bionic race had collapsed on it's own. That the chips had acquired a virus. No harm, no foul.

But Bree had stumbled upon their plan, letting the rest of us in on it as it happened. Though, even Bree wasn't aware of the levels to this plan. There was far more depth than the bionic girl had been expecting. As Giselle had captured me, she had expected the androids to take out the main team, leaving her to only kill me. But the escape of the four Davenport's and the single Dooley played against her. She had only one bionic in her possession, and she had quickly turned me to her side, as long as I was promised my life.

This, had been the plan all along, a few bumps on the road of course, but when aren't there any. Phase one had been alerting the bionics of the war. The bombs being set off at the check in point, were simply to distract the main team, to trap the others on the island. The bombs would act as phase two. I had been doubting the bionics' escape as we had left Giselle's lab. The second bomb would leave the already desolate area, untraceable, unrecognizable, and unable to function ever again. Just the same as Douglas had left the old lab. We had to rebuild, and so will the bionics. If they are able to make it out alive.

"Tell me everything you know about him." Giselle spoke up, our boss leading the pack as Troy and I followed suit. We were knee deep in rubble, but not the rubble of the academy check in. Rubble from another explosion the bionics had caused.

"He had every ability." I began, capturing her attention for only a second before her thoughts returned to her device. It was basically a metal detector, but had been enhanced to find a certain kind of metal. One that was specifically used for the making of robots, or androids in our case. "He was smart enough to decisive us." Giselle let out a laugh, Troy even breaking a smile as the two stopped to look back to me.

"That's not a tough job." Giselle shook her head, an evil grin reappearing on her face. "Anyone, can fool Douglas, or his ego of an older brother. They raised you all to be as stupid as them. You were the only one smart enough to switch sides." I nodded, allowing the two to continue on. I instead chose to wait on the sidelines. What was left of the android wouldn't be far away from this spot.

"He was created with the capacity for more abilities, just like I was. We held the technical 'newer chip' models at the time, though the technology has advanced far past that, today." I explained, my eyes scanning the area as the images of what it used to be appeared in my mind. The fear and uncertainty were still evident within me along with the return to this place. The majority of the residents in this neighborhood had relocated, as this particular building had been deemed radioactive, after the explosion of the building.

"Here." Troy motioned as he swiftly picked up a block of cement in his hands, casting it aside as Giselle held the device over top of the now clearer area. Her grin widened as the beeping quickened, the device alerting us to the fact that there was indeed android metal underneath the rubble.

"Hold this." Giselle breathed as she handed the device to Troy. She cautiously rested her knees down against the randomly spaced cement pieces, her hand reaching down inside the small hole Troy had made. She bit into her lip to contain her joy as she pulled out a robotic arm. An arm that I had never thought I would have to see again. "Hello, Marcus." She cackled, a sick smile playing out on her face as she did. "Welcome to the team."


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