[ 4 ] The Strong Will Rise, The Weak Will Fall

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The Strong Will Rise, The Weak Will Fall

Androids (Chase)


"Chase." Bree wrenched out. Her voice. It was strained, still. Even though she had held her own for the majority of the conversation. "What do you want?" Bree had already asked me that. She had already asked, and had gotten her question answered. But this was Bree we were speaking of. Bree needed the correct answer from me. She needed the answer she knew I was hiding.

I shook my head her way. She knew. Deep down, even though I hadn't spoken the words. She knew exactly what I wanted. There didn't need to be a question posed. But I needed to show my superiority over them. I needed them to fear me. "Why, I told you, Bree-"

"What do you want!" Adam yelled, interrupting me as he slammed his fists against the wall near the monitor. I could feel my stomach clench at the mere sound, but I couldn't show any reaction. I couldn't show fear. That would only show weakness. That was one thing Giselle had instilled within me during our meeting.

Be quick. Don't waste any time. Time is precious in a plan like this one.

Stay on task. Make them hurt the way they've hurt you. Remember every little word turned badly your way.

Observe. Leave the most damaged for last. That person, will end up being the most important to the plan.

Giselle was mindful that I could mess everything up with a single look, or even a word misspoken. She had drilled me countless times before this, just to make sure I completed this conversation to perfection.

"What I want." I repeated quietly, allowing myself to think for a second. But I didn't need time to think. I knew, and they knew well enough. "Is to relay some information. This information, comes from someone, in power. Someone who deserves, more than what they have." I sighed. Giselle. This message was more important than anything else. This message, would insure my survival in this game. But there was one thing distracting me.

I could see her. I could watch her as she hung on my every word. I knew just how broken she had been. Both throughout this conversation, and in the moment that the two bionics had entered the white lab. Or even throughout the two override missions I had completed. I had made her feel those things. Which, in turn, meant I had felt them, too. She had felt pain. Real pain. I almost hated myself for inflicting that extra baggage on her. Portions of my brain still held onto her image tightly. Fondly, even. Other parts of my brain, couldn't wait until our next revenge.

"What, is this message, Chase?" Douglas asked, sounding almost bored with me now. Well, look who's broken now? My words to him had inflicted something he had pushed into us two years ago.

"My message, is from Giselle. But it would resonate better, if it was told by me." I took in a deep breath as I pushed away anything I was feeling. Feelings are like poison where I am now. They kill, quickly and easily. I would be dead if I messed this up. And this was only phase one.

"Whether you like it or not, I'm on their side. The right, side." I started as I rested my right hand on the desk in front of me. It took every ounce of me to keep up. My heart was pounding every second that my eyes met with her's. "This moment, declares the beginning of a war. Androids, against bionics." I sighed, rising up from the office chair and leaning in closer to the screen. I bit my tongue as I placed my finger on the mouse. Be quick, stay on task, observe. "Just remember, who will end up on top. The bionic race will be eradicated." I finished. I swallowed, glancing over to Bree without moving an inch. Gorgeous. Still gorges despite her lack of sleep. Despite how cracked, raw, and ragged she was. "I don't wish any of you luck. But I do wish you keep your hope. It's all you've got." I got out, cutting the connection. My eyes mimicked her image as my own screen went black. Her figure written out in a white across my vision before I finally forced myself to blink. I had to force myself to get rid of her image.

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