Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter Nine!] ~ End! :*D

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HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY last chapter :) <3


Chapter 9

I shot up and stretched, without even opening my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and finally opened them to look out into the forest seeing the sun coming up. I looked around to see I was still in Edward's room. I wonder where the family is... Just as I said this the door burst open starling me. I turn to see a lively pixie bouncing up and down.

"Morning, Bella!" she said the energetic pixie.

"Morning, Pixie," I mumbled and got up. She grabbed my hand and lead me to her room. She dragged me to her washroom and handed me a tracksuit. I raised my eyebrow.

"Don't you wanna run?" she asked smiling widely. And suddenly I did. Oh right damn physic Pixie. I rolled my eyes at her and changed. I skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen. I suppose the family was trying to act like a normal family cause they were all sitting in the kitchen, Esme was cooking my breakfast, Jasper was reading a book, Emmett was reading sport magazine, Rose was reading a fashion magazine, and Edward was being Edward...

"Morning!" I said, as I went into the fridge and got orange juice I pour it into a glass and drank it.

"Morning" they replied. I got my I-pod and turned to my favourite playlist.

"Mom, I'm going on a run, I be back in..." I looked at the clock. "half an hour."

"Bella, you cant go alone," Esme said sincerely. "this house is in the middle of the forest, anything can be out there." I sighed.

"Well, I have my cell and you have a physic..." I said hoping to be alone on my run.

"Bella the future can change when you mind changes." Alice said smiling, "Take someone." I rolled my eyes.

"Okay who's the fastest runner here?" I said, annoyed, I was surprise to see that everyone looked at Edward. I smirked. "Al right then Eddie-boy getcha rrner shoes on."

"Why the fastest?" he asked getting up slowly. He said quietly I didn't think I was supposed to here that. I smilied.

"because, the fastest would have the most trouble running with me at human speed, which would be torture..." I said wickedly, he groaned. "Bye guys"

I headed straight out and waited till Edward came which wasn't very long. I plugged headphones in and started running. I was listening to rap song they make me run faster, the angrier the rapper the faster I run. I was always a klutz and I still am. But when I run, I feel... so alive and free (A/N: I know this cause I run a lot). I took a deep breath and turn to see Edward strolling behind me. I chuckled.

"What's the matter Eddie? Slow much?" I said with a smirk. He looked up and his mouth turned into one of his famous crooked grins and he disappeared, I turned to face front, and found him running backwards in front of me the smile still on his face. Stupid vampire... he leaned forward and I am sure my breathing stopped.

"You really shouldn't have said that." He said and with that he threw me on his back and ran. He was running so fast I felt as if we were flying. I doubt his feet were touching the ground. I looked down to see his feet blurry, I looked straight to see the trees whipping past us. My arms were around his neck and my legs around his waist he was holding my back pressing me to his back so I wouldn't fall. I tightened my grip on his neck. I pressed my face into the crook of his neck and closed my eyes.

"Bella?" he asked, I looked up the see we had stopped. I jumped off him immediately, causing me to fall on my but. I chuckled.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!!" I said looking at him, and murmured "I wish I could run as fast as that..."which made him laugh. I looked around to see we were in a meadow, it was small and round and it had beautiful flowers everywhere. I sighed and looked to see Edward was staring at me, no my lips. I raised an eyebrow. "Eddie, are you trying to seduce me?" he looked away and shook his head.

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