Moving To Forks. Wrong Move? [Chapter Six]

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Chapter 6

A 6 letter word...

That comes at the end of a sentence...


I'm wearing White...


"AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed a very high pitched scream...for me anyway. I heard the door open. I immediately shut my mouth.

"Bella?" I heard an angel's voice.

"ALICE!!!!" I Cried happily. "You're a life saver, I have my thing..." I said blushing

"Oh! Here," she handed me a tampon and (god bless her soul) a new pair of white jeans.

"Thanks Alice!" I push the stuff on and went outside to see Rose and Alice, trying to hold back their laughter. "You can laugh." Telling them that was a wrong move. They burst out laughing. "OKAY! OKAY! ENOUGH! WRONG DAY TO WEAR WHITE I KNOW!! HAHAHA! I said mock laughing.

"Sorry, Bella lets go back to the cafeteria." Rose said.

We walked back to the cafeteria. I saw the Zack was now sitting beside Angela and his arm was around her shoulders. She saw me and mouthed 'thank you'. 'Your welcome' I mouthed back, she smiled and turned back to the conversation. We go to the table and sat down. Somehow I just knew that the boy know about my period. I sighed.

"You guys have 5 seconds to laugh, starting now." I as soon as I said this I heard Emmett booming laughing, followed by Jasper slightly quiet chuckling and Edward's musical laughter. I glared at them. "5...4...3...2...1...STOP!" They immediately stopped.

"Okay, Bella so where exactly are we going?" Alice asked curiously, I saw Edward roll his eyes, I wonder why?

"UMM...I have to go to the library to pick up the books then we can go to the dress shops and pick out dresses, but I'm so sorry boys. It's a girls night!" I said smirking at the boys.

"YES!" Emmett, Edward and Jasper celebrated, even doing little happy dances, which made me laugh. Then the stupid lunch bell rang!

"Meet you guys at my car, oh god, I only have one seat!"

"Oh, how about we go to our house and grab my Convertible then go to Port Angeles?"

"Okay! but I don't know the way to your house who's gonna sit with me?"

"I will!" Alice said.

"Okay, later guys!" I said as I grabbed Edward and headed to biology.

"Whoa, I'm not going to class!" Edward said. I looked at him confused. "It's healthy to ditch once in a while."

"Okay Edward, you on your own I'm going. Later!" I said breaking into a run, heading toward biology. I sat down at the empty lab table that me and Edward shared.

"Okay class, today we will be blood-typing. Everyone will get one of these sets all you have to do is pres your finger to this lovely, prickly paper, and that's it." Mr. Banner said as he distributed the sets. And everyone quickly starting the blood drawing, I started panicking.

"Umm, Mr. Banner. Already know my blood type." I held my breath.

"Miss. Swan, this activity counts as a mark on you report-card, I'm sorry but you have to do it." I couldn't hold my breath any longer I took a breath I immediately smelled the blood. I know humans can't smell blood but I sure can, it smells like rust and salt together.

"Miss. Swan are you alright? You look a little pale..." I shook my head making me dizzier. "Oh my, Mr. Humphrey could you please take Miss. Swan to the nurse?" I felt two arms around my waist half carrying and dragging me out of the class. I had no idea who Mr. Humphrey was, I just wanted to get out of there so I didn't object. I looked up to see Zack.

"Zack, Your last name is Humphrey?" He nodded his head embarrassed. "Put me down for a little bit," he obeyed and put me down. I sat on the cold pavement and laid my cheek against it.

"Bella? BELLA!" I heard a silky velvety voice in the distance at first questioningly by then more alarming. Then the voice came close and I felt a cool hand on my forehead I shivered

"Hey Edward, what are you doing here I thought you were ditching." I opened an eye and smirked a little. He let out a breath in relief and smirked back.

"I was in the car listening to music when I saw Zack here and thought he was dragging you dead body into the forest to bury." He said light-heartedly.

"HAHA!" I said getting up off the pavement. But Edward picked me up in bridal style. "EDWARD PUT ME DOWN!!" He ignored me and talked to zack.

"Zack go back to class, I'll take Bella to the nurses office." He said Zack nodded and ran back to class. I heard Edward Chuckling as he walked towards the office.

"EDWARD, PUT ME- oh god..." I said shutting my eyes the rocking movement was not helping me hold down my lunch. AGGHH! I will not be able to forgive myself if I puke on Edward. We reached the nurses office in two seconds. Not sure how he got the door open but he did. I was too busy to holding my lunch down to focus on the conversation. I sat up I felt better. I felt an icy hand on my head it was cold at first then it felt good. I sighed. And opened my eyes to meet smouldering topaz ones. I gasped ten blushed I didn't realized Edward was so close.

"Feel better?" he asked, I nodded my head.

"I don't like blood or the smell of it..." I said wrinkling my nose. He chuckled

"Humans cant smell blood" Edward said matter-of-factly.

"Well, I can it smells like rust and salt." I said shivering. Edward started to take his hand away I grabbed it and pressed it back down on my forehead. "Don't take your hand away, it feels good." I said slightly blushing and making him laugh.

"Come on, we've gotta get to class, gym for you Spanish for me." he said smiling.

"AGHH! GYM!" Edward smiled and told me to go stand by his car. A few moments later he came to his car.

"Okay, so you wanna go to my house, or wait here until school ends?"

"Very funny Edward. We've gotta get to class." I said walking towards the gym.

"No seriously, I talked to the nurse she excused us from our classes." He said not even a hint of a smirk was on his face so I knew he wasn't joking.

"I wanna wait here for Alice and Rose and of course THE Emster and Jazzy." I said laughing at the nicknames I gave Emmett and Jasper. We got into the car and stated talking we were talking about rubbish! He was asking me questions like my favourite colour and junk. Soon (too soon for me) the bell rang, and the Cullens and Hales came rushing towards the car I got out and without another word Alice grabbed my hand and lead me toward my car.

"Okay Bella, lets go," Alice said when she got in.

"Wait Alice," I put on my Gucci sunglasses and plugged my iPod in. I searched thru my playlist until I found the perfect song of how I felt right now...

...Fantasy by Danny Fernandez

"Oh right, where to Alice?"


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