" Don't rub it! It might get worse! " She scolds while waving his hands out .

" It's okay. . . " He assures the girl and sitting right up.

" No, it's not "

He smiles at her before patting her head " Hey! Stop that! I know I'm short. But you don't have to do that to me "

He chuckles and removes he's hand " What's that? "

" Oh, this? " She shows the lock and key " Since we're leaving, I want you to have this lock so you can remember me and my love for you " She hands it.

Adrien took it and takes a good look.

" My Mom and Dad said; I should give that to you since they both know how close we are and they even said only I can open it , 'cause they made this just for us! " (Y/n) gave him a close-eyed smile.

Adrien holds out one of his hands with the pinky finger raised up while the other hand holds the lock that is still open.

" What are you doing? " (Y/n) looks at him, confusingly.

" Promise me, if we see each other again, " He looks away with a blush " Your gonna be mine "

( How does a kid even know that stuff? Welp, this is a fanfic )

The girl's eyes widened, blood rushing through her face. " B-but-?! "

" Promise? " He cuts her off, his tone change in a serious one.

She let out a a hesitant sigh " Promise"

They pinky-promised each other while Adrien closed the lock. They both let go and looks at it.

" Why did you lock it in the middle of our promise? "

" Because, since we promised each other in front of it. The lock will conceal it, along with our memories together! " He cheers " Meaning,that our word is kept, safe and sound"

She smiles and hugs him, tightly ,until the fact that he can't breath. The blonde taps (Y/n)'s shoulder, making her let go and exchange smiles.

" Is your forehead still okay? " She moves away the hair that is covering the scratch of Adrien's.

" It barely hurts! "

Despite the fact that they are kids, they do sure know more about love. Though, the time has come and the (L/n) family has to leave. The family of Adrien's and (Y/n)'s greeted each other goodbyes, Nash already said goodbye to his friends and Adrien, which is his closest one and (Y/n)? She was actually really depress on leaving but she has to do it, for her family. Instead of saying 'Goodbye' , all she did was pull Adrien in her most tightest hug ever in the history of hugs. She doesn't want to cry in front of them, so she cried quietly, sobbing at their private plane while hugging her plush. (Y/n) knew she was never going to see him anytime soon and it will take several years to meet up again, she just hope to see him again.

From that day on, they both kept the most precious thing in the world and the most unforgettable promise they both made.

~- End Of Flashback -~

The memory was a little blurry to them, the faces and the names on the memory was still uncertain whether who it is except for their family. Despite that, they still chose to find each other, no matter what.
They both smile while they ran their fingers in their hair. Both looking outside their windows, wishing to see each other again, and fulfilling their promise.But who knows? It's up for fate to decide when to meet or when to reveal each other.

" I'll find you and I will never give up "


I'll be starting to putting quotes at the start of the story for entertainment. And no, the quotes won't be about the story of the chapter. But it's actually a coincidence that the quote above is actually pretty accurate to the story right now. And I just notice that right now.

BTW: Here's what the key and lock looks like

BTW: Here's what the key and lock looks like

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Hehe, precious memories

♦♥~ Unicorn Queen💖

✔️My Purr-Fect Key ⇝ Adrien/Chat Noir x Reader Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя