Siblings (Pictures)

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Jian combed his hair back with his hand and looked into the camera, with a cynical glance, belittling the viewer as though they were presents.


His knees were up to his chest. One arm extended out lazily, the other was propped up so his cheek rested in his hand. He smiled with glee, letting the camera come close for his friendly ambiance.


Jian stretched out his arms and curved his entire body into a left lean.


"I thought we were done, Marine." he said.

His sister flushed in embarrassment. "Well, that stretch had a really good line of action. I would need to also view how the clothes would look if stretched. Detail in complicated limbs were the focus, but there're more elements to photography than I thought."

"Jian. Marinette," Aimée called just below the trap door. She tilted it up as she said, "Maman wanted to know what you two. . . " She paused at the sight of her older sister holding a digital camera and her older brother in nothing but his swimming shorts. ". . . wanted . . . for. . . dinner. . ?" They just stared at her. "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Language," Jian muttered.

"I was just taking pictures of Jian's body type for reference," Marinette said as she connected the camera with the computer.

She scrolled through all the different angles of the three posses she had him in. Her eyes furrowed in concentration as to which were the best. Jian lean on her desk, looking through them with her. "I like that one. Looks like I have a halo in my hair." She smiled and clicked save on it.

"I thought you had you're boyfriend for that, Mari." Aimée frowned.

The girl blushed at the mention of her crush. "H-he's not my b-b-b-boyfriend." The girl at the steps smirked. "Don't give me that look. You don't see me calling Gregor your boyfriend."

"At least I'm trying to make progress in my love life."

Marinette scoffed with a smug look. "Adrien always waves at me. Everyday." Aimée stuck her tongue out. "Anyway. I get all of my photos from magazines and online photos. He has a lot of good shot, but they aren't what I'm looking for."

"What are you looking for?"

"Well, summers is just around the corner so I wanna practice different beach attire."

"I'm sure Adrien took some swim suit shots," Jian butted in.

"I know, but I also wanna practice different ages. Your body is a great model since you aren't heavily muscular, but also not a twig."

Aimée smirked again. "You don't have to feel bad for your lack of a six pack after all."

He didn't bother looking at her and just smiled. "Who ever said I was?"

She looked away back at Marinette. "Why not take a picture of my body type?"

"Well. . . You're younger than Adrien. Besides, I think your pill are starting to kick in; your hips are getting wider."

Aimée blushed and outlined her waist with her hands, trying to feel a difference. "A-are they? I know I lost a bit of weight, but. . . Hold on."

The older pair looked at each other, neither surprised by her quirky outburst. Marinette turned back to the computer scanning the pictures again. Jian pointed out which ones he like and others he hated. Most of the comments were overrule by his sister's opinion. He was about to interrupt her clicking when they heard someone clear their throat.

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