"Dont give up!"

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Ready? Let's go!

The Paris duo finished their first patrol. Ladybug sighed on the roof top. Her legs hung over the edge and swung back and forth. Her face was with a frown and furrowed eyebrows. Her eyes were locked on her feet as they moved. "I'm tired of failing," she whispered.

Chat heard and looked at her with concern. He watched her closely as she didn't turn to him. "My Lady?" She didn't say anything. He frowned. He took her hand and pulled her up. She yelped his name in shock. He smiled a bit and turned it to his cocky grin. "Sorry. You just looked so glum. I need to show you something."

Her eyes looked confused and widened as he pulled her closer and closer. She eyes lit up after he let go of her wrist and stared at the magnificent tower. The Eiffel was glowing and shinning. It stood out beautifully against the landscape of houses and store with colorful rooftop.

"Pretty right. The most beautiful and most strong tower of Paris." Chat stared at her as she marvel at the tower. "Try and look ahead. You failed once, but tomorrow is brighter, I know it." He grabbed her hand and pressed a kiss. "So smile for me."

The girl is red blushed a bit but put on a playfully annoyed look. She giggled and pulled her hand back. "Thanks silly kitty."

He only hummed and stared at her with a whimsical glimmer. She asked him if there was something on her face. He only chuckled. "No, your blue eyes just blew me away."

She sighed as he laughed to himself. "Silly kitty," she muttered.

"Hey, being partners with me won't be that back. All we have to do is give it our all and save the city best we can. Better yet, you know I'll tag along so you can break your lonely day, my Lady."

The super heroin giggled and looked up with gratefulness. "Thanks, Chat."


Ladybug watched the rooftops of Paris as she caught a glimpse of a familiar figure facing away from her. She frowned. It had been so long and they were partners for years. Not once had she seem him so down. Quick as her yo-yo, she landed by him and saw his face closely.

She frowned seeing his usually smile not appear on his face. His eyes were conflicted and furrowed and glazed. He didn't even acknowledge her. He sighed and got up to walk away from her. He'd never do that.

"Don't listen to what those reporters say," Ladybug chimed, trying to cheer him up. "You try your hardest every time!" He didn't say a thing.

Ladybug was sad at first until she had an idea. She took his arm and began to pull him with her. He was shocked, but followed the girl by instinct.

They raced from rooftop to rooftop with Ladybug smiling like an idiot. Chat only looked confused and concerned by her action. The sun was setting and orange against the city. She skidded to a stop, still holding his arm. The Eiffel Tower was a russet brown against the sun. He stared at it in awe, but frowned.

The girl didn't know what to do. "You don't have to be so sad, about what they said. It's not true. The painful world is always mocking us and stabbing us with fangs with its crudity." She saw him nod with her. "And at times we crumble and it's okay really. Happens to me a lot actually." She laughed a bit and smiled were she saw his lip twitch. "Just know I want to help you through. I really do, Chat."

He smiled at her with glazed eyes. It was a watery smile, a sad smile, but one nonetheless. She grinned with him and hugged his arm tightly. He stiffened. "I just wanted to be by your side..." he whispered. He frowned a bit and held onto her tightly. "I don't wanna lose you..."

She watched his green eyes become conflicted again. She stared at him as he looked at the ground again. She froze as she saw a tear fall from his cheek. Eerily impressed he managed to control his body to not let his breath hitch, it scarred her. She squeezed his hand tightly and began to pull him again.

He was shocked by her action. She didn't say a word as she led him closer and closer to the tall tower in their city. She let go of him and raced to the top. His instincts told him and made him chase after her.

She threw her arms out on the top of the tower and smiled gently. He looked at her worryingly. "It's okay, Chat. I know you'll get through this world, and I'm here for you. You once told me that this is the strongest tower, and I'm sure it can hold the weight of you and your problems. Shout them out if you want to and take the risk!"

He stood and relaxed at last. He smiled brightly. "I guess it's worth a shot."

Ladybug smiled brightly and so did he. He walked forward and hugged her tightly. She followed up and embraced him back. She smiled as they pulled away and he grinned.

Unwittingly, Chat planted a peck on her lips causing her to flush greatly. He snickered and laughed at her confusion and shock. He backed up as though it was a joke. She soon giggled with him though. And quickly smirked. Chat looked concerned a bit and shocked as she weaseled towards him and forced a kiss on his lips. He was thrown back in shock as flushed as she laughed.


I know I already had this song, but after listening closer to this takes on the lyrics better. I hope you enjoyed it!

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