I won't tell . . . (2)

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She had been staring at her homework for longer than needed. It was a stab in the gut when she realized the due-date, and how long she had to work on it. A physics packet (five pages front to back with an average of two questions each) was expected to be done in a week on top of three chapters of Shakespeare's complex literature and five modules on the different economics of the past three centuries.

She had everything but her science work done and Hawk Moth's constant cry for attention wasn't helping.

With her options running low, she decided to call the only person she knew who enjoyed homework. She wasn't completely sure if she could trust him, being Chloe's close friend and all, but he didn't turn on her as himself or as Chat yet.


"Adrien? This is Marinette."

"Marinette? What's up?"

"Do you think you can come over soon? I need some help with the physics packet?"

"The ones that's due tomorrow?"

"Yeah, that one."

"We had a whole week to do that."

"But we had to interpret Shakespeare gibberish and try to digest the complexity of stocks!"

"Shakespeare isn't that hard to figure out, and I've know a lot on stocks years before school."

Marinette huffed. "Unlike your dad, my parents don't think it's a safe investment."

"Well, you just need to know—"

"Listen, can you come over or not?"

"I'm in the middle of a shoot."



"How about tonight?"

"I'll try. I overheard Natalie mention a dinner party, but I think I can swindle myself out for you."

"Thanks Chaton."

"Of course, my Lady."


After he hung up the phone, the boy shoved it into his pocket and left the secure area by the tree. His father's assistant raised an eyebrow towards him and asked. "Who was that?"

He froze and looked up at her, trying to hide his nervousness with a smile. "Just a friend that needed help with homework. I was wondering if I could go to the house later tonight so I could help them one on one." He slowed his speech, so not to stumble on his words and give them the wrong idea.

Natalie didn't look impressed with him. She gazed over her clipboards, tiny hums rose in her throat before she snapped her eyes back at him, stern as ever. "I'm sorry, Adrien, but you're schedule is completely full today and I doubt you'll have enough energy to deal with traveling over to a friends house just to help them with one problem."

He tightened his lips from letting out his concern with an entire packet unfinished, but chose to withhold the information as she walked back to the photographer.

"I do believe we've taken a good amount of pictures today, Monsieur. You've done an excellent job."

"Of course, Madame. Are you saying that we conclude for the day?" The Italian asked.

"Yes. Same time tomorrow."

"Of course."

Adrien smile at her and waved a thank you before running out of the park towards Marinette's house. She gave him a soft smile as well.


Marinette huffed as she stared at the first problem. She picked up her pencil and pressed it on the paper gently, trying to think before writing. Her eyes grazed the question before she tossed her pencil and threw her head back. "Ahhhg! This is impossible!" 

A moment later she set her pencil on the paper softly, her eyes focused on the print. Without a glance she tried to write down given information. . . Only to find her hand fiddling frills that she had been thinking about designing a minute ago. "How?!"

She quickly erased the sketch before resting her pencil on the front page again. Her eyes locked on the target. Question one. Sarah is running — Marinette dropped her head into the table abruptly and let her pencil fall out of her grip. "I'm never gonna get this done."

"Get what done, Princess?"

Marinette shot her body up but was tossed back from the sudden motion and toppled onto the floor. Chat cringed as he saw his friend fall on her back.

"Are you all right up there?" her father asked.

"Yeah, I was just . . . Stretching." Marinette replied. Chat rolled his mused eyes.

They heard Tom chuckle. "Don't stretch yourself out too much."

While Marinette groaned, Chat covered his mouth and found it difficult to surprises his joy. She glared at him, but he just bursted laughing, "come on, you've got to appreciate that one."

She shook her head and pointed towards her Physics packet. "Help."

He exasperated a heavy (fake) sigh. "I thought you'd have this unit down, my lady. It's just like going through the motions. Eh?"


"Man, my joke just can stick to you, can they? It's like they're always running into an elastic collision."


"Okay, I'm done. Serious mode." He turned his head and found a basket of yarn.

Marinette took her place between them and him, giving a serious stare. "Mask off."

"Uh. . . "

"Now, Adrien. I know you really like being Chat Noir, but there aren't any Akuma and you become for playful and loose because it's the best way to think for you during battle, but we have a test coming up and I don't need playful and loose right now."

He sighed, knowing she was right, and mentally let go of his connection with Plagg. The Kwami followed suit and revealed Adrien Agreste. "So, Miss. I-can't-do-science. What do you not get?"

She pouted to herself. "I can do science. Just not this kind."

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