Someone Else Purrt 3

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He visits were rare then on. He had been very careful with his suit, not wanting his Lady to grow concerned for the number of stitches. He was also becoming too agile and evasive to be clawed or cut. Their patrols began to last for a long amount of time, causing him to grow tired easily, and needing as much sleep for school and his schedule as possible.

However, whenever he did visit, he was always welcome. Sasha smiled before he would leave to study in the local library. Nella would excitedly tell him how her days have been. She'd explain what she was learning at school, how her friends were, how her job as a tailor was working out.

She would sometimes give him a delicious meal from her 'motherland'. She even asked him to help her prepare some a couple of times. It was difficult, but fun nonetheless. She knew what she was doing, saying, whenever around her apartment.

He would easily get jealous of her simple and small life style. She would smile her brightest whenever he made a remark like that. "You are from a rich family. Many would die for that. You should count your blessings and be thankful. You have money, health, friends, and someone to fall in love with." Her gaze was saddened, but she didn't lose her grin. "And if you ever need simple, you can take your money, buy a small house, marry your love, work and laugh, have a baby or two."

Andrey had blushed. He had watched her stir the spaghetti in the pot of water. She added a bit of salt and readied the streamer. He frowned and apologize. "I-I didn't mean anything by it. I didn't want to sound ungrateful..."

"You told me work consumed your father since your mother's absence." He nodded, trying to note if there were any mistakes in her grammar to distract himself. "You want simple life so he doesn't have to focus on work, but on both of you."

He nodded sadly. "But nothing can change how it all is..."

She turned to him and laughed softly. She walked over and kissed the top of his head. "You know... America long ago fought for freedom, and inspired many others to fight..." He didn't look up. He didn't understand her reference. "And everyone tried, some still try, and most succeeded in escaping tyranny in end. And you know what happen next?"


"Opportunity. Opportunity is given to people. You do not need to become who your father was to be happy and smile. You have rights to be your own person." Nella grinned. "So tell me who you are. Are you you, or your father? Tell me your name."

"I'm Adrien Agreste.."

She laughed. "No. Who are You to you?"


She shoved his shoulder. "That is who you are for me. Try again. As your true self, who is the true you?"

"... Chat Noir." He grinned. "I'm the free Chat Noir. ... I want to stay and be like him..."

Nella stood, satisfied, and ruffled his hair. "Then be who you want to be."

The moment was interrupted by a stomach growl. Adrien watched the pot behind her. "I'll be Andrey for a bit and have some pasta if that's alright with you, Nella." They shared a laugh.


He hadn't had a meal with her in years. He hadn't had his jacket fixed by her in years. He hadn't had his wounds checked by Sasha in years.

He almost forgot about them.

He was visiting someone else. Someone he knew he could rely on. She was kind, confident, and smelled sweet— uh! Is sweet!

He had been visiting Marinette instead of Nella. She was thoughtful and easy to talk to, having been around her a bit longer and everyday. She didn't know his identity, and he couldn't take off his mask in front of her, but her smile was worth it all. Her lips seemed so soft and pink, her dark hair was so shiny and almost blue in the moonlight. Her laugh was adorable, her voice was beautiful all together. She was animated in her expressions and speech, and so passionate. She knew what she'd say and spoke so well. She .... She was like a princess.

Miraculous Moments [Miraculous LadyBug Fanfic]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz