5 Tyson or Is It Ty-Guy King of the Forest?

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As soon as I close the bedroom door, I let out all of my anger. Not even sure of what Jack yelled up to me when I left him on the stairs.

I can't believe him! I make one mistake and I am treated like a scolded child. I had my life together. More together than he has that's for sure.

I grab the closest items from the dresser and chuck them across the room. Something shatters. I let out a regretful sigh. When I find the broken glass by the wall on the other side of the bed, I frown at myself. It was a fish bowl with some rocks in it. Squatting down next to the window to pick up after myself, my line of vision meets the creek that runs behind the cabin.

The view of the creek brings the feel of cold running water. A splash hits my six-year-old face. Jack is showing me how to catch crayfish.

He reminds me, "If you are not careful, Ty, they will shoot themselves backward to get away from you. You have to be quick."

He darts his hand in the water and comes back up with a miniature lobster.

"But I'm scared they might pinch me, Grizzly," I hear myself say.

"Being scared is okay. As long as you don't let the fear stop you from being you. Use it as fuel to face what is scaring you. I know my Ty-Guy the Forest King isn't gonna let those tiny crayfish stop him from being the most powerful wild man in these whole woods."

He didn't need to say anything else. He had me at Ty-Guy. I splash my hand into the water the moment I see movement. After a few unsuccessful tries, I locked onto an unsuspecting crayfish. Pulling it out of the water Jack notices and starts to whoop and holler with congratulatory howls.

I turn and plop my prize in the glass fishbowl we brought with us. In a split second, I am pulled into Jack for a firm bear hug and he raises me into the air and shakes me yelling, "Long Live the king of the forest, wild man Ty-Guy!"

Ouch. A sharp pain in my hand brings me back to the bedroom. There is blood oozing from my hand from the shards of the fishbowl I have begun to pick up. I look around for something to stop the bleeding with. I figure the bathroom may have some tissues or gauze.

When I open the door to the hallway I almost step on a plate with the most delicious-looking pizza slices on it. I let a smile cross my face before I shake my head and move to the bathroom to look for something to wrap my hand up with.


My alarm on my phone goes off at 8 am. The memo is blinking "Officer Scott" to remind me that today is the first time I meet with my probation officer.

I heard that he and Jack know each other somehow. But it is a bit of a mystery to me. I kind of think, maybe, they were partners when Jack was a cop in the big city, but I am not totally sure. All I know is Jack set it up with him because they have some history together.

I don't really want to see him, but it was part of the agreement we struck with the judge for me not to go to prison. I have to check in with him once a week and show him I am not getting myself in trouble. If I can keep clean until November then I will be free to go back to my normal life.

I hope he is some old, fat dude. Not one of those hot cops that I fantasize about from prison pornos. The last thing I need is to have the hots for my PO.

"Tyson, you up?" I hear Jack ask from outside my door.

"Yes," I reply shortly.

"Okay. Well, get moving. We have to be at the police department by nine. Train's leaving at 8:30"

My next thought makes me briefly stick my head under my pillow and ponder the ease of smothering myself. I have to go Driving Miss Daisy all summer because my license is suspended.

Death by pillow doesn't sound that bad. 

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