33 Tyson Thanks Ray

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"Ray makes a mean meatball. I feel like all of the pasta went directly to my love handles," Jack tells me.

He is reflected in the bathroom mirror relaxing in a warm bath. I spit, rinse my toothbrush, and place it in the holder on the sink.

I shake my head as I turn to him. "You don't have love handles and you know it."

He grins as I kiss him, stepping into the tub and taking a spot between his legs. I lie back against him and all seems right in the world.

"So where were you earlier today?" he asks me, drawing his fingers over my chest.

"Volunteering at the library. Duncan, the camp leader dropped me off back here."

"Duncan?" my godfather repeats.

"Yeah. Cute local guy. Maybe someone I'd get to know better if I wasn't sharing a tub with the man I want and a cabin with his beefy brother. Anyways, I was supposed to meet with Officer Scott, but when I walked down to the station, the clerk let me know she was out on personal leave."

Jack is quiet. I know he knows something.

"You gonna make me ask?" I pose.

He sighs.

"She is dating Claire's ex-husband. Charlie is his name. She and I spoke about it when you were visiting Sean. He has a kid with Claire. A cute little guy."

It goes quiet. I can hear the cicadas sing outside. Jack's breathing picks up speed.

"I think that is one of the worst parts of this whole mess. There is a little boy out there that thinks I killed his mother."

"Jack," I respond but am not sure what to say. I roll over to face him. Our torsos meet and our packages greet. "You should know I have been asking around to see if anyone knows anything. It seems the name Silkston keeps coming up."

"Tyson," he calls my name like a command. Jack brings his face to meet his. "No more snooping around. I am serious."

"I don't really think it is a big deal."

"Tyson," his eyes go icy. "Leave it be. Let the lawyers and the police handle things. The last thing I want is for you to get hurt."

I know Jack means well, but there is something about his tone that makes me feel like a scolded toddler. Thankfully Ray saves me.

"Hey, guys," he greets, bounding into the room with glasses of wine in his hands. "Thought I'd bring you guys a nice nightcap as you relaxed."

He puts the libations on a small table next to the tub and turns his attention back to us. He rests a hand on each of our heads, massaging our scalps with his tumbs. I can tell he is taking in the scene before him. Strangely, Jack's stepbrother towering over us while we are fully naked and submerged in the tub, my cock resting against my godfather's, isn't at all uncomfortable. We have all hit a perfectly natural level with the nudity and affection under this cabin's roof.

"I think I'm gonna head home tonight and make sure the gym is okay in the morning. I will be back sometime tomorrow evening. I know now is not the best time, but with the prelim hearing on Friday, it is the only time I will have to check in between now and then."

"Tyson, maybe you should go with him. Get out of town for a night. You said J'Nae was out on leave. It would be perfect–"

"No!" I bark. "I am not going with Ray, Jack. Don't push me off on him. I am staying here with you."

I see Ray's expression faltered with my outburst. I am sure the idea of watching over me some more sounded good to the lovable ogre. Under other circumstances, I would really enjoy being in Ray's care longer. 

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