14 Tyson Recenters Himself

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With a dark cloud over me, I leave the police station and head to the library to check in on some of the kids I see on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I promised Bobby and Miguel that I'd come by and read them a story if I had time today.

My heart is immediately lightened as I see the little munchkins running around the story time center. Eight kids stop what they are doing to run over to me and hug me.

As promised, I read them a picture book. Bobby picks out a story about a dragon that could speak Spanish. Needless to say, I slaughter the parts where the fiery reptile speaks his native tongue. Miguel is nice enough to help me with pronunciation.

After "The End," I say goodbye to everyone and head for the door. Just as I step out of the front entrance of the library, I hear one of the counselors shouting Bobby's name. And at the top of the steps in the front of the building, the little guy collides with my leg.

"Don't go, Mr. Tyson," Bobby pleads, squeezing my waist.

I kneel down.

"Bobby, I have to. Sorry. But I will see you first thing Tuesday. Make a pile of books for us to read together. Okay, buddy?"

With a sad face, he agrees with a nod.

We exchange a fist bump and I head down the steps as the counselor ushers him back inside.

I look up to find Jack leaning against the driver's side door of the truck like the love interest in an 80's rom-com. For some reason, this makes me want to run up to him and hug him, but I shake my head with a smirk.

"You set?" he asks as I round the front of Greyson.

Sitting down in the truck, I find myself exhausted. All I can think about is a long nap but I am sure my slavedriver has other plans for me. Suddenly, my prayers are answered. As Jack pulls out of the street-side parking spot, it starts to rain. Halfway up the hill to the cabin, the rain seems to turn into a monsoon. The windshield wipers on the old pick-up don't look like they can get the job done anymore, but Jack drives on.

From behind the screen door, I can make out Claire standing there waiting for us. This frustrates me for some reason, and I let a sigh escape before I can catch it.

How the hell did she get here? There is no other car besides the pick-up we just arrived in.

"Howdy, boys," she greets us as we walk in.

"Hey," I say and walk past her to the stairs.

"Hello, darling." I hear Jack say as he pulls her in for a hug.

I think if my eyes roll any harder they will fall out of my head.

As soon as I make it into the bedroom, I walk over and open the window. I love the sound of the rain falling outside. I take off my shirt and shoes and lie down on the bed. In seconds I am out cold.


"Tyson! Come get some lunch." I roll over, stretching and shaking the sleep off me. Looking out the window, I see the rain has subsided and the sun is trying to come out. I grab my shirt and head downstairs.

As I hit the last step I see Jack standing by the screen door.

He turns to me and says, "Claire just took off. Come get some broccoli cheese soup she made. It is amazing." He leaves his post at the door and heads for the kitchen.

I look out the door just in time to see her disappear into the woods. Then I, too, retire to the kitchen.

"So, what's her story?" I ask Jack as he places a bowl of steaming soup in front of me, ignoring the fact that his left pec presses against my shoulder momentarily.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, why does she always march off into the woods?"

He lets out a laugh. "She lives over on the other side of the old cow pasture. She says it is faster to walk through the woods than drive the car up and around the road."

I let this settle over me for a moment. It sounds fishy to me. When I take a spoonful of soup, I almost forget there is a world going on around me, let alone that I am in the middle of a conversation. It tastes so delicious and warm that I let out a coo of satisfaction.

"I know, right?" Jack says.

This reminds me that I have more questions.

"How did you meet?"

"Actually, we kept running into each other around town. The hardware store, the supermarket, even once at the bowling alley. She is a pretty cool chick. Strangely enough, her ex has gone on a few dates with Officer Scott. It may be developing into something serious."

"Are you fucking?" I say as though it is nothing at all.

Jack nearly chokes on his soup. When his coughing subsides, he answers, "Not sure that is any of your business."

"She looks like she'd be wild in the sack."

"Okay, enough," he says with finality. But then he smiles a bit.

This makes me a bit angry for some reason so I decide I am over the interrogation. Frankly, I am over the lunch altogether. 

We have a bit of a staring showdown. He smiles again. It is strangely sexy, and I hate it. He knows my attempt to make him uncomfortable has backfired.

I stand, trying to center myself. My bowl jingles lightly in the sink, and I turn to leave the kitchen, but I run right into Jack. 

"Damn," I say startled, but I quickly find myself laughing when I see that I knocked the remaining soup from Jack's bowl into his chest. It oozes down the front of him and drips onto the crotch of his pants.

He is laughing too. He looks from the mess on his clothes to me. 

"Shit, here," I say, grabbing paper towels from the counter as he haphazardly puts the bowl down on the edge of the sink. 

Without thought, I run my hand under and up the inside of his shirt. With my other hand, I press the towels into the goop of cream and veggie specs. I become shockingly aware that my hand is resting between his fuzzy pecs as I dab at the stain.

"Tyson. Tyson. It's okay." He softly takes my forearm in his grasp; he holds the other through his shirt. "I will put it in the wash."

I freeze for a moment. My eyes meet his. Some weird spell engulfs us. 

With a clank, Jack's bowl falls into the sink's basin and our daze is broken. 

Trying to be as casual as I can, I say, "Here, lose the clothes, Tier. I'll put them in the wash. I need to grab my shorts from the dryer anyways."

He follows my direction and hoists his shirt up and over his head. Then, without pause, he drops his jeans to the floor. 

Fuck. His skimpy briefs show all the lines and curves. I play off the flutter in my chest seeing him stand there with only a pouch of cloth preventing him from being naked.

"I'm going for a jog here in a bit." I move toward the kitchen door with his dirty shirt and pants in my hand.

"Cool. I'll join you if you want some company."

"Okay," I say as I push the kitchen door. Without looking back, I add, "But you may want to put some clothes on first." 

"Meh. No promises," he quips as his undies fly by my head as the kitchen door closes behind me. 

My face flushes knowing that Jack is now standing in the kitchen butt-ass naked. I pause only long enough to tell myself how bad of an idea it would be to turn back.

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