Is it obvious?

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I find Eddie  in the lobby looking out to the parking lot, it you could call it a parking lot. I just watched him for a moment, observing my patient with curiosity. 

"Darling." Eddie says turning his head, catching me off guard. I jump and almost fall.

"Uh hey Eddie, Ed dog, edgy inmates." I am a weirdo. Eddie chuckles at me. 

"You know, for someone who is sleeping with the CEO of her employment, you don't know how to respond to flattery with grace and poise." I just go red. 

"How the hell do you know that?" Eddie gives me the sarcastic expression every human on Earth knows. 

"Everyone knows, dear Taryn." I just chuckle nervously. Eddie smiles gently. 

"He'll never care for you the way I could darling." I look up at him nervously. 

"Eddie I don't even know what I have with him, it was a one time thing." Eddie takes my hands.

"I cared about you since you entered this asylum. If he hurts you, he'll have more than WALLRIDER and Chris Walker to deal with." I got confused. What's project WALLRIDER? Just then Jeremy comes into the lobby. 

"Taryn, where you at?" I look up and let go of Eddie's hands. 

"Hey Blair!" Acting as if I didn't almost flirt with one of the inmates, never mind flirting with one of my patients! After today, I might need a therapists for myself. 

"There's donuts in the meeting room down the hall if you want some. Don't take the jelly filled, they're for the guards, they love those things." Suddenly, two short grizzly looking men start throwing temper tantrums and ripping off their clothes. 

"I WANT HIS INTESTINES!!" They go around screaming. I lean in towards Eddie accidentally, realizing I was almost holding him, I pull back. Guards rush into the lobby and provide each twin with a needle, that seemed to instantly calm them down. 

Blair grabs my hand and drags me through the rest of the lobby and into the hallway to the right. I see the door to the security room, the guards are looking at the tvs that show everything happening around the asylum. I wonder if I can see the basement cameras in there? 

Looking around to see the part of the building I haven't seen before. The walls are a dark yellow, and the floor is white title. Suddenly Jeremy stops walking and looks irritated. 

"What?" I ask confused. 

"I asked you what kind of donuts you liked five times and you just looking around the hallway like you were high or some shit like that." He says waving his arms around. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry, I didn't see this area before and I was taking it in." I say looking down. Jeremy's expression softens. 

"Good, now, lets get to eating your donuts." He says licking his lip then biting it. I blush.

"My donuts?" This is going to be a weird morning in Mount Massive... 

Eddie Gluskin: The Girl Like The One That Married Dad (draft)Where stories live. Discover now