The next day

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The next morning I woke up at 5:30 and started getting ready for work. My shower was nice and warm, the conditioner I put in my hair. I got out, wrapping a towel around my body. The hairdryer's heat hurt my skin at first but the more I worked it through my giant mane of hair, I was used to it. I go into my bedroom and try to decide what I want to wear, I picked a pair of black leggings and a long T-Shirt; Yes I realize it was summer but hey I was comfy. 

Once I was ready for the day, I tossed on my converse and headed to the main lobby. I see Waylon walking toward the elevator like I was so I decided to stop him to see how he was. 

"Waylon wait up!" I call out as he goes into the elevator. Waylon looks up from the file he had been reading, "Oh hey T." He had that nerdy vibe to him, but this place makes him not like he usually was, I don't know why. "So how was your night of being a software guy?" I say smiling knowing he hates being called that, "Ugh, I'm not a software guy, I'm part of the tech crew downstairs where I'm forbidding you to go to." Waylon said with a serious tone that he never used on me, he mostly treated Jack and Mark that way. 

"Why whats down there?" I ask out of pure curiosity. Waylon looked me in the eyes before the elevator doors open, "It doesn't matter, just promise that no matter how your curiosity kills you, you will not go down there." I nod, "I promise." He backs away so I can get out into the lobby as the elevator stops, "Talk to you at lunch break." Then he vanishes. Maybe Jermey knows what Waylon is talking about? Who knows, all I know is that I'm kind of crushing on Blair. He's a jerk but he's really sweet and funny when you get to know him. 

I go to the lobby and see the patients, as scary as they obviously can be, they can be quite cute. Including Eddie Gluskin. He seems charming and kind. "Good morning Taryn," I hear Jermey whisper in my ear making me jump. "H-hey, I need to ask you something," I say facing him. He blinked, "Um, sure." I sigh, "Is there a lower level than the basement?" Jermey chuckled, "No, there isn't who told you that?" I shook my head, "That is  a secret good sir." 

I knew he was lying, something is off about this place. I don't know if I should shrug it off and move on or, confront people... Maybe Billy knows...

Eddie Gluskin: The Girl Like The One That Married Dad (draft)Where stories live. Discover now