Chapter Fifteen

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At home now, Akira was still shaken from the conversation he and Kyoya had had while Teru was sleeping. She sat next to him in a baggy Hetalia tee and baggy, fuzzy pyjama pants, which he wasn't entirely sure who they belonged to. Their hair was messy, but that was fine. What the problem was were her arms cuddling him, so bony they hurt.

"Akira-san, come with me. We need to talk about Teru-san." Akira, of course, quickly stood, leaving a sad Annaisha behind for the hallway and a conversation he already dreaded.

"Akira-san, I need his medical files."

Akira glared. "If he doesn't want you to have them, then why should you?"

Kyoya glared right back. "Because he could die soon with how thin he is, that's why, along with the lack of sleep," he growled out, although he calmed, looking almost desperate, near the end.

Akira's legs shook beneath him, barely able to hold him up. "Don't you... Think I know..." he muttered like a frightened child.

"H-He's been like this... since we met... Nine years old."

He suddenly grew angry again, punching the wall. "And it's all because, all because of those fucking twerps! All because she wants them to remember, dammit!"

Kyoya came up, grabbing his arms to hold him place as they spoke. "Stop this, because I don't think you have the money to pay for some drywall. Now, I need them, because I can help him if I just know what's wrong!"

"Kyoya, he's mine to protect. I've saved him more times already than you ever will. And it'll stay that way, because I'd die to keep her alive, to make her better.

"Kyoya, why do you think he's still alive right now?"

Sitting now with her thin arms wrapped around his waist like he was a stuffed animal, he couldn't help but worry about that argument. 

Kyoya was right. She needed more help than he could give, but with his pride, he couldn't just go back to Kyoya and ask.

"HELLO!" a voice yelled as the door slammed open, and his head snapped around to see Sute in the doorway and Annaisha screaming in surprise right behind her. Teru made no move to get up, or even wake up for that matter.

"Aah! What-what the hell are you two doing here?!" he cried, jumping.

"Well, Anna wanted to see Candy Cane, and thought we could go out!"

Teru suddenly woke up, and hopped up to go to her side with her boa. "Like a date?"

"Yeah! Annaisha, Annaisha, let's make it a double date!" Sute squealed, although Annaisha was too preoccupied by the boa, which she was petting and giggling at.

"Wait, I never agreed to this!" 

Sute and Teru each grabbed one of his shoulders, giggling, while Annaisha stood in the background cuddling Candy Cane. "Too bad, Kira! Now go get dressed!" they yelled at him like twins, and he jumped up and grumbled as he made his way to their room, Teru at his side.

"Damn, why do I always get sucked into these things... I swear she's more your twin than I'll ever be..." he grumbled as he rubbed his temples.

Teru put a hand on his shoulder again. "I'll eat if you go with us," she singsonged with a bright smile before skipping ahead and slipping in the door.

When he got in, she was rummaging through their clothes for some fancy-ish things. "That's not something you should threaten with, you know," he said, flopping down on the bed.

She smiled kindly to herself, pulling out a pair of skinny jeans hanging up. "Hey, what about-oh wait, these are mine," she said, throwing them in a pile on the couch. "Ah, here's a pair for you. White are burgundy?"

"Which do you think, idiot?" he mumbled, throwing an arm over her eyes. They were chucked right at his face, of course, and he made no attempt to move them until she was done with her fashion rants and dressed.

"All done, Akira! You've got clothes on the couch!" She was wearing a pair of black skinny jeans that were almost, actually skinny, a grey and black tank-top chest binder, and a leather jacket and black converse. She smiled before she ran out to the bathroom. "Byeeee."

He walked into the living room to see Annaisha putting a short, thin braid into Teru's hair near her bangs. "Honestly, you should brush your hair more often. It looks nice when it's brushed," the shy girl whispered in a motherly fashion, finishing with a clear, tiny rubber band. Sute already had her hair in a nice, over-the-shoulder french braid, and was picking at the rips at the end of her jean overall shorts. She wore said shorts, along with a cute, short sleeve black crop top, black converse, and a snap back, while Annaisha wore cute, white shorts that puffed out at the bottom, an off-the-shoulder, long sleeve tee that clung gently to her, and knee-high black converse, with her light brown hair pulled back into a low ponytail and a small bag at her side.

Akira wore a white t-shirt and burgundy jeans, along with some black boots with a hoodie around his waist and his hair brushed. He sighed, then smiled at this silly lot that had somehow become his family.

"Come on, you idiots. Don't want to be there for the dinner rush," he spoke exasperatedly, although he smiled as he grabbed his motorcycle helmet and walked out the door, wallet now in his back pocket.


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