Mission Two: Let It Blow

Start from the beginning

"Oh please, you know both our dad's only do things that amuse them," Ethan laughed, "They have no code." 

"What rude children we have boss," My dad laughed out.  

Before Ethan or I could rebuttal, the Alpha spoke, no longer playful, "We need to go. Shift but bring clothes." 

We all nodded and began to undress. I felt extremely uneasy about Sadie being on her feet without me there, but I had to push it into the back of my mind. I needed to make sure that I was in the moment and ready to react at the drop of a hat. If I kept thinking about Sadie I wouldn't be here with my boys, I would be there with her.  

As soon as my clothes were piled in front of me I allowed my wolf to take over and shifted. I felt my body break and then rebuild into my wolf as I landed on all fours. For me, it was a relief. I had been fighting against my wolf for days and I had become exhausted by it, but now I finally got the release that my body needed. Just knowing that we were going to bomb the people responsible for what happened to Sadie made my wolf happy.  

I shook out my fur and then stretch my body while I waited for everyone else to shift. I took a few moments to enjoy the feeling of my wolf taking over. I allowed my wolf to have most of the control and I just mentally laid back in a lawn chair, he needed this and I couldn't deny him of it.  

I just sat back and watched as we took off into the woods with my father and the Alpha at the lead. Ethan ran next to me seeming just as determined, leading me to believe that he too had given his wolf control, and then Darren and Cal ran behind us.  

When we came to a stop I hadn't even realized we had made it to our destination. When I wasn't in control, time didn't flow the same. I had to look around to get my bearings back. Once I had a grip on the situation my wolf laid down and allowed me to take back my body and I was soon only standing on two feet. I grabbed my clothes off the ground and quickly dressed myself.  

"Jack, Ethan," the Alpha spoke from behind me.  

I pulled my shirt over my head and turned around to see the Alpha holding out the two detonators. "Really?" I asked, trying not to sound like a kid that just got offered a new toy.  

"Really," the Alpha laughed.  

I snatched the remote away before he had a chance to change his mind and then Ethan did the same. We kept our cool and walked away from the group and over by a tree, where we both took a few seconds to act like girls and jump around a little bit. I again felt like a child with the amount of excitement that filled my body. I should have probably been concerned by that, but I let it slide. 

"So what, one two three go?" Ethan asked me with a grin.  

"Or you push then I push?" I offered. 

"Jump in the air and push when we land?" 

"Oh, I like that one," I complimented.  

"Boys!" My dad yelled, "It ain't rocket science. You're just gonna push a damn button." 

Ethan and I walked back over to the group, "On three," Ethan whispered. I nodded in response.  

"Well, get on it boys," the Alpha ordered. 

Together Ethan and I stepped forward and stood at the edge of the trees looking over at the warehouse. Almost every window was lit up in yellow light. I could see shadows moving about and the more I concentrated I could hear the unmistakable sound of guns being loaded. They were definitely readying themselves for something.  

"You ready?" Ethan asked.  

I took a deep breath and thought about Sadie; the way she looked when I found her, how weak her pulse was, how she woke up screaming in terror, and how she would probably always carry those scars. "Yeah, I'm ready." 

Ethan started counting, "One, they shouldn't have messed with our pack." 

"Two," I continued, "They shouldn't have taken my mate." 

"And three, they were stupid to think they would survive," Ethan concluded.  

We gave each other a smug look and then pushed down the buttons. A loud rumble that resembled thunder filled the night followed by the sound of glass breaking as flames exploded out of the building. Immediately the top two floors of the building fell in. Smoke, flames and dust filled the air surrounding us, making it difficult to see, but not impossible. Within seconds the next few floors fell in as well. I could almost see that silver room of torture catching on fire, melting all their weapons down into nothing.  

"Well, I think we're done here," the Alpha spoke. His voice held no emotion, I couldn't tell if he was upset or not.  

I know I felt contradictory emotions. I was almost giddy with the idea that we had taken care of the people that had harmed my mate, but at the same time I was saddened by the thought that there were probably people in there who hadn't done any wrong yet. I couldn't decide which feeling was stronger.  

"Let's go home," my dad said, clapping me on the back.  

Right as the words left his mouth I became extremely nauseous and had to lean against a nearby tree. My whole body began to shake as I was consumed with panic and fear. It took me a few moments to realize that those weren't my emotions, they had to be Sadie's, and for me to feel them this strong meant that she had to be terrified.  

"Jackson are you alright?" Ethan asked.  

I took a few deep breaths and calmed my heart rate down. Now that I knew it wasn't my emotions, I was able to push Sadie's feeling away and regain my composure. "No, we have to go. I think something's wrong with Sadie." 

"Is she hurt?" he asked frantically. 

"I'm not sure," I said standing up straight, "But she's terrified and that's enough for me." 

"Then let's go." 

I didn't waste any time with attempting to save my clothing, I just shifted, listening to everything shred apart. The moment my paws hit the ground I was off. 

I shared control with my wolf, allowing both of us to put every ounce of strength we had into the run. I could hear the others behind me, but I was far in the lead. I was pushing myself harder than ever before. I could feel all my muscles protest as they strained to keep up with my commands. I kept pushing myself harder, telling myself to move faster.  

I had tunnel vision, only seeing the trees directly in front of me, which I dodged with grace. I was moving with such perfection that I was surprising myself. If I had given myself time to think about how well I was performing, I probably would have tripped over my own feet. 

I kept my thoughts on Sadie, pushing harder with every horrible idea of what could be happening to her passed through my head.  

When I hit my backyard I quickly shifted back into my human self and didn't miss a beat, I kept running until I came up on the back porch, where Steve was sitting with his head in his hands. 

"Where is she?" I huffed out, trying to catch the breath that I just realized I didn't have. 

Steve stood up but kept his head bowed, "I don't know, when I got here she was gone. I think I saw Andy's truck pulling out of the driveway. I already have a group out searching for her and Andy."

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