The boy

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Veronica watched the mystery boy punch Ram and elbow Kurt. She felt as if her heart was taken by him.
After Mrs, Flamingle broke up the fight, Veronica and Martha head up to there first class.

It was lunch and the cafeteria was filled with students. The doors opend and all the kids looked and stared.
The Heathers. Martha and Veronica, looked over at them and rolled there eyes. They were such drama queens. Everything was about them. They walked over to a table filled with girls. Heather chandler walked in front as usual.
"Scatter." With that one word from Heather Chandler, the table cleared in a instant. Kurt, Ram and a few other kids say at the table with the Heathers.
Veronica didn't care, she was starring at the boy. They only had one class together, he was so quite.

The boy looked at Veronica and noticed she was staring at her. He got up and Walked toward her. He sat on the opposite side of the table.
"Hey." He smiled at her trying to be friendly. She looked up from her food and smiled back.
"Hey. My name is Veronica, Veronica Sawyer. I didn't catch your name." She stutterd.
"I didn't throw it.. It's Jason Dean. But I go by JD." He teased.
"Well JD, nice to meet you." She smiled.

The heathers hit up from there table and walked to the washroom. Heather Duke was, well vomiting. The other two were doing there makeup.
"Grow up Heather, bulimia is so 87." Heather Chandler put some eye liner on.
"Maybe you should see a doctor Heather.." Heather MacNamara suggested looking at Heather Duke through the mirror.
"Yah Heather maybe I should." She mocked before throwing up again.
The bell rang for the next period and the Heathers stayed in the washroom.
Mrs. Flamingle opend the door and walked in.
"Ah Heather and Heather." She heard the sound of Heather Fuke throw up as she sighed. "And Heather. Maybe you guys didn't hear the bell over all the vomiting, get to class." She demanded.
"Heathers not feeling well. We're helping her." Heather Chandler looked at her and put her hands on her hips.
Walking into the washroom, Veronica grabbed a sheet of paper.
"I'm actually Mrs. Flemingle were on year book committee."  She handed her the sheet.
"Well I see your all listed here. Hurry up." She gave the sheet back to Veronica.

N/A: I will try to write a chapter or more each week.

Heathers: A loveish story Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant