Lucas Imagine 1

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Bad boy goes good

You're walking to class in your high school and you see your old friends from middle school, Lucas and Marcus Dobre. Marcus is still the same friendly timid shy boy that Y/B/F likes but Lucas has become more of a mean bad boy. Little did he know you were madly in love with him even though he's done some pretty bad things. You see him talking to his bad boy crew until he looks at you weirdly. You shrug it off and run over to Marcus to surprise him. You hop on his back and he screams. You laugh at him. "Marcus, remember me? From middle school!" He laughs and puts you down. He looks at you and gives you a hug. "Hi Y/N! It's been hard since Lucas has become who he is now. He's pushed everyone away except you. My whole family thinks that you're the only one who can save him from himself." You nodded and pulled away you agreed to walk each other to class.
After school
You start going home on your penny board until you go by the alley way between the Starbucks and your townhouse. You see what seems to be Lucas pulling a gun on someone. You run into the alley and pull Lucas away. He starts going crazy. "Lucas put the gun down!" He starts fighting back. "Marcus let me go." You pull him back. "Lucas it's only me, Y/N. Okay?" His breathing starts to calm down and he turns around and he looks at you with an innocent scared face. "Lucas I need you to listen to me okay?" He nods his head. "Give me the gun." Your voice starts to calm down and he starts to calm down as well. He hands you the gun and waits for further instruction. "Okay, good job. Now I need you to stand up." You slowly start to stand up from your crouching position and he follows your motions. He still has the same scared look on his face. "Okay. Now we're going to go to my house." He walks far behind you. You look back to see him staring at your door. "Lucas come on inside." His eyes quickly go from the door to you. "No Y/N. I don't want to hurt you." You shake your head no and grab his hand. You give him a warm smile and lead him inside. "Okay Lucas. Why were you going to kill him?" He looks down and sits on your couch. "He took my five dollars and ran with it. I chased him down and he wouldn't give up. So I took out my gun and, well-" you wouldn't let him finish. You sat down and looked at him. "Why a gun over five dollars? Why!" You started to raise your voice with the gun still in your hand. "Because Y/N! Because I'm psychotic! Okay? I'm freaking psychotic! No one wants a psycho path as a friend! I've been hurt before, now I hate everyone because of it. I hate everyone except you! I've pushed everyone away,
Y/N! But you, you're special!" You gasp at his words. "Well why don't you want me around you if I mean so much to you?" He looks at you with his signature glass like eyes. "Because I love you too much to hurt you." You look at him strangely. "I love you too Lucas. But you could never hurt me." He shakes his head. "No. I'm in love with you! If I tried to kiss you I would end up slapping you! If I tried to hug you I would end up strangling you. If I asked you out and you said no then I would've k-kil-" he couldn't finish his sentence. He just let the tears fall out. You went to hug him but he pushed you away. You went to go get tissues but he followed you. You soon realized that he can't be without you but he's scared to be next to you. You turned him around and just kissed him. He responded but non-violently. He looked surprise but after you pulled away you hugged him. "Lucas I will be you girlfriend but I will also be there to help you." He thanks you over a million times. The bad boy just turned good!

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