In The Cooler

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"Mrs. Prodding." Another lady walked into the room. "I didn't know you were assigned any place on this case." The lady said smirking at her and me. 

"I-I-I was assigned to prepare the suspect for interrogation." The lady I know knew as Mrs. Prodding said with a slightly embarrassed voice. 

"Really, because I was assigned to do that. May I see your papers?" 

Mrs. Prodding handed her clipboard over to the other lady reluctantly. The other lady was much prettier than Mrs. Prodding. This lady had long brown hair that she let down in lazy curls. She had a strand of it pinned back to the side of her head, keeping it out of her way. Her face was very well constructed with high cheekbones and a defined jawline.  Her eyes were a light green and her cheeks were rosy in the absence of freckles. She looked much younger than Mrs. Prodding. This women looked in her early twenties. 

"It says here Mrs. Prodding, that you were to observe the preparation for interrogation." Her eyes were locked on Mrs. Prodding's reddened face. I could tell that there was usual tension between the two. 

"But you're new, barely not an intern." Mrs. Prodding argued, like she already knew the facts that had been presented. 

"Just because I'm new doesn't mean I'm unqualified."

Mrs. Prodding swallowed hard and looked at her with rage. "Well in that case I'll let you take over Ms. Maddison." Mrs. Prodding's voice was angry and the smile she flashed was forced. 

Ms. Maddison smiled brightly as Mrs. Prodding got up and she sat down. "Now," She said crossing her legs and looking at me with a sympathetic smile. "You said you didn't do it?"

I glanced at Mrs. Prodding going to the corner of the room and crossing her arms angrily. "That's right." I said slowly. "The girl the cops were chasing grabbed me on the street and put the gun in my pocket." 

"And why were you out at such an early hour?" 

"I had a bad dream, I was taking a walk." 

She nodded and scribbled something on her clipboard. "And have you ever come in contact or met the late Calvin Prince?" 

"Not that I know of ma'am." 

Mrs. Prodding snorted. I shot her a dirty look, and so did Ms. Maddison, which made me smile slightly. "I have your record here and it says you've been in jail before? Why don't you tell me about that." 

"I was eleven or twelve at the time and had a really bad home life up in New York-"

"With your deceased parents, correct?" 

I nodded slowly, then continued. "I was stupid and wanted some quick cash so I could get a ticket away from there. So me and this older boy decided to use his dad's guns and hold up a gas station. Needless to say, the cops got us after us running no more than two blocks."

"It says in the police report neither of the guns were loaded." She commented. 

"Yes. We didn't want to hurt no one, we just needed the money." She nodded and the room became silent. "Were my fingerprints the only ones found?" Ms. Maddison looked up at me with curious eyes. "On the gun, I mean. Were my fingerprints the only ones that showed up?" 

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