A Crack in the Soul

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"...Uncle Gaster..." Frisk managed to mutter out quietly. He had a small smile on face, barely able to even pull it off. The child reached up to try and grab hold of Gaster, but lost balance and began to fall forward. Before Frisk knew it, he was being lifted up into the air. When he looked under his arms, he saw two detached hands picking him up. Both had a massive hole in the dead center of their palm. The hands carried him over to Gaster and he cradled Frisk in his dark mass.

Frisk had first met Gaster during his third run. He had gotten a little bored of the usual routine and decided to take a different path. When he took this pathway, it eventually led to a long, dark hallway. Being the adventurous child, Frisk ventured through this menacing hallway and stumbled upon a grayed out door. This door seemed to be out of place in all of the color and vibrant nature of the world. There was an eerie feel to it and it had the feeling that it didn't belong there, or even in this world. Frisk hesitantly opened the door. The inside of the room was completely empty. Frisk thought that the lights were simply switched off, so he entered the room only to have the door slam behind him and disappear completely. There were no lights, there was no door, there was only darkness. Then, a strange figure appeared in front of him just a few feet away. His back was facing Frisk and he seemed to be hunched over, muttering to himself. When Frisk approached him, the figure turned almost immediately and stared down the human child. His skull was heavily damaged with two major cracks on them, the same as the current Papyrus's. Instead of being afraid, Frisk approached the figure.

"So you've finally come, child. Now I can be free with your soul." Gaster would mutter and begin his attack. Needless to say, he had killed Frisk more times than Frisk had died by any monster in the Underground. On Frisk's thirtieth attempt, instead of just walking, Frisk ran. Before Gaster could attack, Frisk took his first move instead. He hugged Gaster.

"No more fighting.." Frisk quietly whispered. "You're in pain, mister.. Let me help.."

"Child, what kind of attack is this? Are you trying to fool me? The only way you can help is by giving me your--"

"Soul." Frisk looked up at the shocked entity, In both hands, Frisk had his red heart out, offering it to Gaster. "If it means I can make you happy, then take it." There was no deceit in the genuine smile Frisk had. Gaster could tell that this child was completely serious about giving his soul away to please Gaster. He let out a distorted sigh and rubbed Frisk's head.

"Child... I'm so sorry..." Gaster said quietly as he held Frisk's soulless, heartless body. Frisk shook his head and grabbed hold of where Gaster's chest would be. Frisk stared up at the skeleton and smiled. His voiced echoed so beautifully. He was so close to Frisk, but his voice felt so far away.

"Th-- Thi... This is my f..fault Uncle G...Ga--" Frisk wheezed and began to cough violently. He hacked and coughed, Frisk grabbing his own chest and in pain. He was visibly suffering from the lack of having a soul.

Gaster knew what was happening. He experienced this long ago when humans and monsters coexisted in peace. First, there was only numbness. The person would lose all senses. White fog became your eyesight. Air became your only sense of smell, regardless of how potent or powerful it was. Numbness became your physical touch. Nonexistence became your taste. Deafness became sound. You would lose control of your nervous system and your brain would stop processing information and sending it throughout your body. The body becomes weak and severely exposable to the elements. After a short while, strength would come back. You'd be able to sit, stand, and maybe even walk in some cases. Then comes to unbearable pain. Your system locks away, muscles began to sporadically tense so violently and quickly that it felt as though your body was going to tear away at any moment. The bones inside crack and split with the constant pressure put on from the muscles. Due to extraneous amount of pain put on the body, the mind and nerves completely shut down. Blood cells will stop healing any wounds inflicted while your brain stops the blood flow entirely. In short, you die.

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