Up in Flames

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It was the faint orange glow reflected off the snow that I noticed first, closely followed by the loud smash of glass as the walls shattered with the sudden heat that had blasted through the corridors. I ducked down with my arms above my head and my eyes squeezed shut to avoid any flying bits of glass.

As soon as the tinkling of broken glass had subsided, I scrambled to my feet and watched the initial blast of fire die down, leaving only a few feeble flames on the papered walls. I’d never been more grateful for a stone floor than I was right then.

Glass crunching underfoot, I hopped back into the corridor and looked cautiously towards the entrance, where the flames had come from. I could see nothing other than grey smoke that was clouding the ceiling. I was more confused than afraid- though my heart rate was faster than normal. The fire had to have come from somewhere; unless Hunter was angry.

Shifters were calling to each other from every direction, clearly just as confused as I was. From what I picked up through the muffled shouts, they believed the Slayers were behind it.

I couldn’t decide what else to do than to go and find Hunter. Seth was out in the forest and Ebony was up in the tower, so I knew they were safe. Ash, Jack, Demitri, Cassius and other people I’d come into contact with here were in danger. I could only hope Hunter hadn’t left the common room.

Dancing out of the way of the flames, I made my way to the staircase and, avoiding the fire on the wooden banister; I scampered up them and half-ran along the flame-free upper corridor. I ran straight into Hunter about half-way to the common room and I stumbled backwards. He held onto my arms to steady me before grasping my wrist and dragging me back the way I’d come from without saying a word.

The alpha was stood at the foot of the stairs barking orders at various shifters. He took one look at Hunter and I and said, “Kadin, stop it spreading anymore. Alexia, go and try breaking the ice on the pond.” His tone was no more panicked than if he were in casual conversation but his expression showed just a hint of irritation.

We nodded simultaneously and hurried in different directions. Leaping through the empty space where the glass wall had been, I ran straight off the deck and onto the snow that blanketed the frozen pond. I ignored the cold and fell to my knees, shovelling the snow aside. Once I had a clear patch of ice, I drew my sword and, using both hands, drove the blade straight into it.

Nothing happened; apart from my sword getting wedged in the ice. As much as I pulled, tugged, wiggled and tried to pry it free, the ice refused to let it go. It must have looked like a rather pathetic version of Sword in the Stone.

My attention was drawn back to the fire, where Hunter was holding his palms towards the blaze, keeping it in check. I gathered he couldn’t extinguish it, or he would have done already. I stamped in frustration and heard the satisfying crack! beneath my foot.

I looked down at the white fissures in the clear ice and stamped again, then jumped away so to avoid falling straight through. I heard my sword clatter as it fell over and retrieved it quickly before it disappeared into the water.

Seeing movement on the fringe of my vision, my head snapped up to see a boy with long, thin, straight, platinum blonde hair running along the corridor opposite me. My virtual hackles rose at the sight of him; I didn’t recognise him and he wore no tunic. He was also dragging a flaming torch along the wall beside him as he ran, that was the third giveaway that he didn’t belong here.

Taking a firmer hold on the hilt of my sword, I raced after him. With every step I took on the ice, it broke beneath my feet, revealing a clear strip of water. I decided to stay as close to him as I could without being seen, find out what he was up to and who caused the fire. I didn’t believe he was working alone; he had a funny way of running- the way young girls run when they’re playing chase.

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