The Desert King's Frog

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This was not what Naruto had planned when all of that happened. She was being reckless, sure…but since when didn’t she do crazy things? It was normal for her.

But her teammates didn’t usually do reckless things, at least without any prompting.

Honestly, following her like that. They didn’t even know what she was doing! At least she knew what she’d been attempting and had done so without following completely blindly like they had.

“Naru-chan? You don’t have to look like the world ended…” Gamabunta scratched the back of his head worriedly.

“Don’t worry, they’re fine,” Shima further reassured her. “Actually, you can probably pick them up in the world of the Fox Spirits. You can get them and bring them here, if you’d like?”

“Hm…Shouldn’t we all get back to the human plane though? I don’t think our disappearance will be taken well…” Naruto noted to herself. “Plus, I don’t think Jiraiya-sama would be happy to see foreign shinobi with his summons…”

“He’ll be fine actually,” Fukasaku waved her off dismissively. “And though you can’t quite summon us just yet, unless you meet Jiraiya and have him let you sign the Toad Summoning Contract, we can still at least teach you the Frog Kata and Sage Mode.”

“Ehh?! Why would you want to do that? I don’t belong to Konoha or anything –isn’t that against the rules?!” Naruto’s eyes widened.

“Trust us, we don’t mind and it will be all okay,” Shima smiled widely.

Naruto was so not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, especially since her taijutsu definitely needed some kind of boost.

“On the other hand, I’m sure the Kitsune will be definitely happy to get you to sign a Summoning Contract with them,” Shima continued, making Naruto look at her in surprise.

Huh. Must be because of Kyuubi.

“I’ll bring you there,” Gamabunta offered. “Hop on, Naru-chan.”

Getting on Gamabunta, she relaxed and awaited the travel to the Fox Spirits plane.


Rasa shook his head and rubbed his hand down his face, feeling disoriented. On second thought, this might not have been a good idea…but never mind that. He now had to focus and figure out how to find his kids and Naruto. He had to focus and think about his self-appointed mission.

He heard a rumbling above him and saw a huge shadow cover him. He looked up and paled.

“Oh fuck,” Rasa tensed up and gawped at where the sky should have been.

Instead, a huge, flying serpent thing was above him and glaring down at where he was.

“Puny mortal, who are you and why are you here?” the thing actually spoke.

“Uh…” Needless to say, Rasa’s communication skills weren’t working right then.

The thing grumbled and then he –Rasa was pretty sure it was a he –moved his body in a circle before shooting down and opening his mouth, looking like he was going to devour Rasa.

“WAIT! Wait, wait, wait! I just wanted to go looking for my kids! And Naruto! And who are all obviously not here! Please let me go and don’teatme!” Rasa practically scrambled from the ground and began running, trying in vain to escape the serpent.

In short, it wasn’t long until Rasa ran into a dead end and was surprised he even lasted that long.

That said, when he looked around, the serpent monster was nowhere in sight. He blinked.

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