The Desert Prince

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“Oi, Naruto! RENT!”

She grumbled to herself, getting out of bed and sleepily ruffled her short hair. Her feet plopped onto the ground and she trudged towards her door.

“Yare, yare. Hold on a tic, Hiiro,” she yawned and fumbled around in a drawer, grabbing a handful of ryo as she continued onto her journey.

The door opened and the sandy apartment complex owner stood there irritably, tapping his foot.

“Did you get coffee in you yet?” she rolled her eyes, shoving the money towards him.

“No. Now stop getting late on your payments,” he snapped at her before turning on his heel and striding away.

She huffed inwardly, slamming the door shut as she stumbled around her small apartment, looking for one of her uniforms. ‘Course, she goes to the Ninja Academy and they don’t really have uniforms…but it’s the price to pay when you’re an orphan and living on your own. The nicest and cheapest things she could filch from charity were a set of boys school uniforms.

And yes, in Suna, you have to pay for charity.

Not that she was too bitter about that. She knew that the village was in hard times and suffering from poverty, much as they tried to hide it. Still, why couldn’t she have lucked out on some shinobi outfits instead?

The leather bracelet on her arm dangled off her wrist and brought her attention to it. Biting her thumb, she swiped the blood swelling on it across the leather band, summoning her newest scroll. Glancing down at it, she grimaced at the next thing that she had to focus on in her personal training.

Another chakra control exercise.

She cursed under her breath, but decided to get a start on it. Grabbing a water bottle, she slapped it onto her kitchen table and sat in front of it, holding her hands tightly around it as she focused on making her chakra try the first part of the exercise –making tiny waves and contain it in the bottle. If she could do this exercise, it would heighten and improve chakra control specifically in her hands. Which would be a big help with the medical jutsu she’s been practicing all these years since she’d been entrusted with the leather bracelets she’d been given by that pretty blonde lady.

Aside from medical jutsu and other medical and personal knowledge from the Slug Sannin, whose name had been branded on all the scrolls and she’d looked up once she’d known to do so, she also had the original leather bracelet that had been on her since birth.

That had given her her origins, her identity, and a direction in her life to follow on her own in her current life, alone as she was. Her name had been engraved on the front, allowing the orphanage she’d been in to know her name at least. When she was older, funnily only by three, she’d managed to unseal the first scroll from the inside of her bracelet. Unable to read it completely herself, she’d gone to the Master of the orphanage, who was actually a retired shinobi, and asked for help.

Intrigued, the man had read it and then looked shocked, and shocked her in return when he willingly read it to her. The first scroll was a letter from her mother, explaining who she was and who Naruto was, and where they’d come from –Uzu and then Konoha. It then had several seals on the bottom that her mother had promised would hold several scrolls that would give her information on her clan, a scroll that was from her father, notes on how to deal with the demon in her seal, and anything else Uzumaki Kushina had managed to seal about Naruto’s legacy before the attack of the Kyuubi happened on her birth. Kushina had also written that there were more seals on her bracelet that would contain all the Uzumaki fuuinjutsu that she’d managed to collect, as well as seals that she knew outside of their clan.

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