The Toads Who Desired a Prince

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When Naruto woke up, she couldn’t believe her eyes, which had widened in shock as her face turned a deep red in embarrassment. She stared up into the sleeping face of Rasa, and she dimly realized that he had his arms around her.

It took a few seconds for her to remember what happened the night before, though she didn’t know how or when they’d ended up in this position. She was really warm and comfortable though…

She experimentally tried to slip away, but Rasa just held on tighter and mumbled something incoherently. She gave up and after hesitating a moment, she tentatively laid her head back on his chest and snuggled to his side.

It really was a comfortable spot.

It wasn’t a wonder she fell back to sleep. In fact, the two of them were still sleeping like that by the time Baki slipped into the home unannounced, only to see those two still comfortably sleeping and the Sabaku children sitting around and eerily watching the sleeping duo.

“You brats look like stalkers.”

The three looked up and stared at him.

“We were debating on whether or not to take a picture of them,” Temari smiled widely.

Baki scoffed, but a camera immediately appeared in his hand and he took a quick picture of the sleeping two on the couch. The kids went back to staring at them.

“Where’d the camera come from?” Kankuro asked dumbly.

“Do you keep it around for something like this?” Temari laughed, joking.

Baki scowled. “I just had it.”

He wasn’t going to admit he had just started to carry it around for exactly these kinds of times, ever since Rasa vaguely admitted, without saying, how he felt about Naruto.

“Come on, stalkers. I’ll treat you to breakfast. Let’s leave these two here,” Baki offered, rolling his eyes.

“Ohhh, awesome!” Kankuro cheered, pumping a fist.

“Shh,” Gaara glared at him. Kankuro looked back at his brother sheepishly.

The small group quickly left together and it was soon quiet in the home again. Not too long after, Rasa woke up this time. He grimaced as he looked down, realizing that he had somehow begun to hold Naruto in his sleep and that they’d ended up in this close position. And judging by the silence in his home and the lack of any chakra signatures around, his kids weren’t there and had most probably seen the two of them like this.

“Damn it all,” he muttered.

Gently pulling away from Naruto, he settled her more comfortably on the couch, before he also left the house. He came back not too long after, holding a bag of hot containers filled with ramen that he put on the kitchen table. Then he came back to Naruto and softly shook her shoulder.

“Hey. Hey, Naruto. Wake up.”

She murmured something before sighing and opening her eyes slowly.

“Ah, Kaze – ” at his sharp look, she awkwardly cleared her throat and began again. “Ten…Tenoh. Um, what’s wrong?”

“I got breakfast,” he smiled slightly at her. “Ramen in the kit. You want to eat with me?”

Her eyes lit up and she nodded enthusiastically. He led the way to the kitchen and she followed, a slight bounce to her feet. Once they settled into their seats and had begun eating, did the awkwardness between them set in again.

Casting around for a topic to talk about and make things not awkward, Naruto brought up the first thing that came up in her mind, and that she’d been thinking about these days.

Suna no Hoshi [Naruto Fanfic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ