Chapter 3 I'm Cured

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Image of Sin and I'm not okay by My Chemical Romance

Four years later

"Okay, everyone sit down it's time to start!" The counselor, Ms. Wilton, shouts. Everyone came to sit in the chairs that were placed in a large circle.  Ms. Wilton is about fifty with dull, curly hair with black and grey coloring. She looks like your run of the mill grandma with smile lines and sweet blue eyes. If only she were that. I know for a fact that she had a habit of picking on the schizophrenics, and psychos; well the ones that are known to have hallucinations. She likes to yell and sometimes hit them. I made this fact known to the other doctors and now they watch her closely. However, they can't fire her without proof. And she's smart enough to go into the cameras' blind spots before doing something illegal. 

I lose interest in her and look around the circle. Eighteen other patients make up the circle. All of us are wearing grey sweats and house shoes. I'm familiar with almost everyone in this group. If I remember correctly there are six depression patients, three anorexic and bulimics, five  schizos, two bipolars, and one new kid. I study the new kid with interest.

She is really beautiful. She has long white hair and pale skin. Her brown almost black eyes are framed by long blonde lashes. Her nose is really small which oddly makes the bags under her eyes look like makeup. Which I know is impossible since the product wasn't allowed. My hand twitched wanting to draw her. I shift and bounce my leg instead.

She catches me looking at her, and she gazes through her lashed flirting with me... Yeah She's pretty but I'm not interested.

I continue to look around the circle. My friend the schizo sits beside me a half a head shorter. The first time we met I just got out of isolation. I was acting like a real jerk to anyone that approached, saying I didn't want to get attached to crazy. Even after I made that fact known Sin came up to me being nice. Long story short I acted like a jerk and he told me off real proper. Jesus would have been proud. We were friends ever since. Despite his name Sin is a real 'sweet heart', helping the others out and all, but even he can give the doctors hell, just like I can, when he wants to.

Sin has lime green eyes and black almost blue long hair that stops near his knees, he hates cutting it. One of the doctor's tried to insist he get a trim, and he flipped shit. Trust me he can be scary when he wants.

Sin has positive symptoms from the category for Schizophrenia, meaning he has hallucinations and dilutions, and has trouble separating reality from fantasy. Also he has a hard time thinking straight and sometimes twitches uncontrollably. He actually gained some control after we became friends. The doctors say that a stable relationship helps him fight for reality.

I think the main challange for him is sleeping at night. He always has bad dreams and sometimes sleepwalks. We have been roommates for 2 years. Let's just say I have rough nights. The Docs offered me a new room but I declined. A.) The guy needs me, and if I'm being honest I'll admit I need him too. B.) I can handle anything he throws at me. That means literally as well as figuratively. I think the main reason the doctors didn't argue with it is because I deal with some shit they seriously don't want to.

"Angel?" Sin breaths. I frown, not liking that tone in his voice. "Don't move. There's this shadow behind you. It's looks really angry. " I don't bother looking around knowing I won't see whatever he's seeing. Instead I lean closer to him so we are about an inch apart. His face gits blurry and I can only make out his eyes. I stay there until he focus on me again.

I can tell when he does. His pupil shifts, getting bigger. His eyes get brighter. He relaxes slightly. I shift back a little and he makes a small protesting noise. I freeze looking him over. Then I gently place my forehead on his. "Are you alright?" I ask softly. He sighs and closes his eyes. He stays like that for a while, and I shift as the worry bubble inside me.

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