Chapter Three

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Ainsley missed Iain. She missed the way he kissed her. She missed the way he held her. Ryan was amazing but Ainsley always fell asleep thinking of Iain.

That morning, Ainsley woke to a text from Iain -

Day off. Can I see Angel? - Ixx
Sure! Come over? I got health visitor coming to check Tilly - Axx
Thanks Ains - Ixx

Ainsley smiled happy that she would seen Iain. She couldn't wait.

Ryan had gone to work. Ainsley got the girls ready. She left Tilly asleep in her bouncer. "Dada!" Angel squealed.

"He's coming princess. Don't worry," Ainsley told her. She loved how close Angel was to her daddy. "Do you love your daddy?"


Iain arrived at the house. Ainsley smiled as Angel toddled over to him. "Where's Ryan?" Iain asked.

"Working. I'm so bored and lonely,"  Ainsley said. She tickled Angel's chin. "You got your daddy!"


Madison, Evie, Layla and Angel were playing with Iain. Iain was someone who Layla opened up to.  "Iain, can we read?" Layla asked.


Layla handed Iain a book. She got on the sofa next to him. Iain began reading to the four girls. Tilly was asleep.

The health visitor examined Tilly. "Well she's doing quite well considering she was a little early. Her weight is just under 10lbs."

Ainsley smiled. She looked at Iain. "Makes you want another one don't you?"


Ainsley smiled. "I'm sure Rita will give you one. If you ask her nicely," she said.

Iain sighed. "Me and Rita aren't together anymore. She lied about her ex abusing her," he said.

"Oh I'm sorry."

Cal hadn't seen Evie in a while. She had changed so much. Cal missed her but he knew Ainsley and Alicia didn't get along.

Cal text Ainsley -

Can I see Evie please? Alicia won't be with me - C
Erm, I guess so. Do not bring Alicia here though - A
Thanks Ains. I miss her - C

Ainsley sighed and looked at Evie. "Daddy's coming to see you," she said.

"He taking me out?" Evie asked. She was such an outdoorsy girl. "We can go park."

Evie was standing by the front door. "Come on daddy!" Evie yelled.

"Evie calm down baby. He'll be here soon," Ainsley said. She had just fed Tilly.

Cal soon arrived. Evie smiled. "Daddy! Can we go out to the park?" Evie asked.

Cal smiled. "If mummy says so."


Evie squealed. She grabbed her coat and her shoes. "I'll feed her some dinner too Ainsley," Cal said.

"Thanks. Make sure she doesn't run around after she eats. She's just recovered from sickness bug," Ainsley told him.

Cal picked up Evie. "I'll take her to see Ethan too."


Evie had gone with Cal. Angel was falling asleep with Iain. "You do know you can have her overnight. You just need to ask," Ainsley said.

"Thanks Ains."

Ryan returned to see Angel asleep with Iain. "Alright mate?" Ryan asked.

"Fine thanks," Iain replied. He looked at Ainsley. "I'm gonna head home. Got work tomorrow."

Ainsley smiled. "Thanks for coming. Angel loved it."

"I've loved seeing her too," Iain said. He kissed his daughters head before he left.

Ainsley kissed Ryan and hugged him. "Tilly is doing so well."

"Good. Now, do you want to cuddle up with a movie and a takeaway?" Ryan asked.

"Sounds amazing."

Ainsley and Ryan cuddled up with the kids. Ainsley got a text from Cal -

Keeping Evie tonight. Ethan wants to see her - C
Fine. - A

Ainsley told Ryan that Cal was keeping Evie. She cuddled into him and fell asleep. One thing that was playing on her mind - Iain.

A/N - Sorry it's short. I've had a life changing weekend. But it's all amazing.

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