Chapter One

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Ainsley woke in her apartment next to Ryan. They had been together for six months. Ainsley was seven months pregnant but wasn't sure who the father was between Sam and Iain.

Ryan was a former soldier. He suffered PTSD and that's how he and Ainsley met. She helped him after a bad turn in a supermarket. Ryan repaid her by taking her for lunch. "A, you ready to go back?" Ryan asked as he kissed her neck.
"No. But the girls need their dad's. I can't keep them away," Ainsley mumbled. She cuddled into Ryan. "I never thanked you for taking on my girls."
"They're lovely," he said. Ainsley kissed him. He smiled and kissed back. He rubbed her baby bump.
"Let's get breakfast then catch that flight," Ryan said. Ainsley nodded.

Ryan helped Ainsley up and they got in the shower together. Ainsley smiled. She loved Ryan so much. But she was missing her old lovers.
"It was nice of Angel's dad to message telling her happy birthday," Ryan said as he washed Ainsley's hair.
"He probably hates me for taking Angel from him. They all probably hate me," Ainsley mumbled.
"Well if any of them start, I'll be there."
"Thank you."

Ryan went to make breakfast. Madison ran in. "Hi RyRy!"
"Hi Squirt," Ryan said.
Angel toddled in. She was small for her age. "WyWy!"
Ryan lifted her. He kissed her cheek. Angel giggled. Ainsley smiled at them.
"Mummy!" Evie said. Ainsley grinned.
"Hey munchkins!" Ainsley said. All her girls smiled.

Ryan helped Ainsley sit down and gave her breakfast.
"Yes! Bacon!" Ainsley said. Ryan chuckled and kissed her cheek
"Yeah. I think New York is running low on bacon babe."
"So? It's so good."
Ryan smirked. He helped feed Angel. Layla was a quiet girl for a two year old. She hardly spoke. "Good job we got first class tickets. These Princesses deserve the best," he said.

Eventually, they were ready to head back to Cardiff. Ryan helped the girls get packed up. "Thank you RyRy!" Evie and Madison said.
Layla looked at Ryan. She handed him a book.
"How about we read it on the plane?" Ryan said. Layla nodded.

Ryan took the bags to the car and Ainsley brought the girls out. Ryan got them into the car. Ainsley got in.

Ryan drove them all to the airport.
"I'm excited to see the twins," Ainsley said. Jordan had given birth to a boy called Chris and a girl called Samantha.
Ryan smiled. "I think you'll need to rest before you go anywhere," he said.
"Yeah. Me and jetlag don't mix."
Ryan laughed.

Once they boarded the plane, Evie fell asleep. Layla cuddled into her mummy. She whispered into Ainsley's ear. "RyRy wead my book?" She asked.
"Ry, she's asked if you'll read her book to her."
Ryan smiled and began to read it. He could do all the voices perfectly. Layla smiled. Madison fell asleep listening to it. Angel was on Ryan's lap as he read the book.

Layla and Angel both fell asleep. Ryan put down the book. Ainsley grinned.
"You can do the voices so well," Ainsley said. Ryan chuckled.
"Thanks. I like to make them happy."
They eventually landed in Birmingham Airport. They were staying in a hotel for the night so Ryan could get the rest he needed. He was driving from Birmingham to Cardiff.
They got to the hotel. Ryan carried Angel and Layla in. Evie walked next to Madi. They were holding hands with Ainsley. "Double room for Jackson."
"Here's your room key. Enjoy your stay with us."

When they got to their hotel room, Ainsley asked the girls what they wanted for dinner. All three of them said pizza. Angel babbled her head off.
Ryan called room service for pizza. Ainsley got the girls into their pyjamas. Angel tugged Ryan's top.
"What's wrong sweetie?" Ryan asked. Angel pointed to her bum. Ryan nodded.
"Ainsley she needs the bathroom," Ryan said.
"That's okay. Just take her," Ainsley said with a smile. Ryan nodded.

The pizza arrived and she gave it out to the girls. Ryan brought Angel back in. "Here's some pizza for my little munchkin."
"Ta WyWy!"
Ryan smiled. The room they had booked had two double beds and a single bed. "I think the girls should sleep now. Got a long drive tomorrow," Ryan said.

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