Allah is merciful

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We forget, more times than not, to thank God for the blessings bestowed upon us.
These blessings can include:
finding the love of your life
Each morning you wake up
Each day you survive
Each word you read
Each sound you hear

While it may not be possible for us to thank Allah for each thing, each breath, but we can thank him for blessings like:
Our computers and phones
Each day
Each night

You may be saying "BUT WE CREATED THOSE THINGS. We worked for them. Allah didn't give them to us!"
Oh but he did. Why do you thank we say Insha'Allah. Nothing is possible unless Allah wills it. He could cause your phone to break the day you buy it, He could cause you to drop it in the rain (or worse, the toilet), even before you bought it He could have caused you to leave your money at home. But Mash'Allah, he didn't. Why? Because Allah is a merciful God. He wants us to be happy.
Insha'Allah you are happy.

{follow me on Instagram @that_feminist_muslim. Unless you have an issue with a woman speaking her mind. I'm not as soft on there. I tend to be very unpopular when it comes to my opinion. And if you're going to be rude don't follow me. (which I doubt you are because you're all so nice and amazing.)}

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