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"You're not an orphan Emily."

My eyes widened and ears rung at his words. Did I hear that right?
They were like a taunt directed towards me. Is this some sort of a joke? He bought me here, to his house to make fun of me or something?

"Stop it, Mr Alvonich. I thought of you as a mature man. And here you are making fun of me. Do y--" he cut me off before I could complete my sentence

"I am serious, Emily. You're not an orphan." His voice dead serious

"Care to tell me who my so called 'family' are?" I spat.

He gave me a look of sympathy "I am your father, Emily. And Evan, he is your brother." He said softly, gauging my reaction .

I gritted my teeth in anguish.

"Emily, I ca---" I cut him off

The thread of my patience snapped.

"You are not my father, Mr Alvonich. No one is. Iam alone in this world, I always was. You can't just pop out of nowhere and claim to be my dad. You are pitying me. But get this through your head.
I.DON'T.NEED.YOUR.FU**ING.SYMPATHY." I yelled breathing heavily. My voice echoing.

Evan was watching me with wide shocked eyes, obviously surprised by a timid, shy girl speaking in this manner. Even I was surprised by myself I never curse. I would have laughed at his expression if the situation was different.

Mr.Alovich sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"I was already expecting this my child. But you have to let me explain, let me justify my reasons for why i did this to you." He looked at me with sad eyes.
"I was helpless."

It wasn't like i didn't want a family. I wanted, no craved for one. But now thinking about a family reminds me of all the time I'd been bullied. I was kicked, punched, mocked but I couldn't do anything, there was no one with whom I could share my problems. No one to whom I could complain. No one to console me when I cried myself to sleep.
I was jealous of children playing with their parents, bickering with their siblings.

But not anymore. I'm over it now. I don't need a family now. Iam capable of living alone.

"Don't. I don't need any explanation Mr.Alvonich. Iam fine. I don't need any extra classes from you. I don't want your sympathy either.


Bye ;)
*peeks from the door*
Before I leave let me tell you..

I love you all! ❤❤❤

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