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I scribbled down the notes furiously. The lecturer occasionally gave me amused glances.While most of the kids were yawning, I was writing notes.

The bell rung, indicating the end of the period. I got up from my seat and stuffed my books in my bag pack. As I was walking to my next class, the lecturer called me. 

"Ms.Emily I'd like to have a word with you." At the mention of my name, a guy who was walking past me snapped his head at my direction, staring at me with wide hazel eyes. I raised my eyebrows in question. He shook his head and ran out of the class. I turned my attention to the lecturer. 

"Ms. Emily, You seem like a great,attentive student. I'd like it if you helped other students with history too." At the first day of school. Really?He took my shocked expression and clarified.

 "Not now! Try to make out some time afterwards and help your mates." he said and dismissed me. 

I quietly walked out of the classroom. Deep in my thoughts I accidently crashed on someone dropping all his books.

I automatically bend down to help him pick them up.

He lifted his head to smile at me but his smile vanished when he saw me.It was replaced by shock and disbelief. huh?

"Be careful when you walk" He said and walked off.

A swarm of children. Soo many people. I stood infront of the cafeteria wiping sweat off my forehead. Taking a hesitant step inside, I looked around. No one noticed. phew! I sat at the corner most seat and started eating my lunch. I felt eyes on me and looked up to see a gorgeous blonde making her way to me.Her hair fell on her shoulders with curls on the ends. She came towards me cheerfully

"Hey I'm Amanda. You must be Emily. The scholarship kid?"

She extended her hand for me to take. I looked at her hand unsure of why she chose me of all people.

I shook her hand nonetheless.

"Nice to me-eet you A-amanda"I shuttered.Her eyes twinkled with excitement. 

The next few minutes were spent in bounding up.

Her friendly vibes made me relax in her company. Soon the bell rung and we made our way to our classes.

"Which class?"Amanda asked me.

"English" I replied. Her eyed widened.

"What?" I asked her.

 "You'll see" she replied before walking away smiling mysteriously.

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