Chapter 26

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            Hazelstar awoke with excitement. Today was their last day before the battle, and there was so much she had to complete, so much she had to do.

            The clan had been training hard, practicing and perfecting moves. She would listen to the cries as mentors scolded their apprentices, listening to the unsheathing and sharpening of claws. She no longer heard the mews of warmth or purrs of love, but the vicious cries and yowls of victory. The Dark Forest had opened her up to new sounds she had not recognized in FoxClan.

            At night, she'd hear Crystal's wailing. Several times, Hazelstar was forced to exit her den and lecture the she-cat, telling her that she could easily just kill off everyone in Crystal's family instead of the two kits.

            Then, Crystal would remain silent until the next night.

            Hazelstar knew everything would play out well soon. Crystal's two kits would be killed after the battle, Fire would lose his position as deputy, and the forest would be theirs. How exciting that would be!

            "I'm doing this for you, Mother," Hazelstar whispered in the darkness of the den. "Soon, the Dark Forest will lead us, with you as their ruler."

            All these moons, and Hazelstar was finally completing what her mother had set out to do. Yet, she hadn't gotten a simple thank-you. Her visits had been scoldings, yowling, and once in awhile, wounds. She knew her mother was just trying to get Hazelstar to do her best, but why could she not thank Hazelstar for all the hard work she had done?

            Hazelstar shook her head, ignoring the thought. Her mother would praise her by tomorrow evening, she was sure of that.

            "Hazelstar, are you ready to make announcements?" Fire asked.

            "I have several announcements to make today," Hazelstar told Fire. "Let's start with the captives. Get them and their mentors, all right?"

            "I will," Fire said, quickly rushing off. Hazelstar padded towards the captive den where the rogues kept guard. Inside, it was silent, except for a few small cries.

            "Bring them out here," Hazelstar instructed the guards. Slowly, the captives marched out in a single file line, tired and exhausted. Their eyes were bloodshot, their ribs showing, mud and blood mixed on their pelts.

            "Very good," Hazelstar purred, eyeing the captives. "Will their mentors come forward?" she asked, motioning the mentors forward.

            They obeyed Hazelstar's orders, standing beside their apprentices.

            "Bone, let's start with you," Hazelstar suggested.

            Bone seemed surprised, but he nodded, gazing at Tigerstripe and Jetfur. Tigerstripe glanced up at Hazelstar, letting out a low growl.

            "Tigerstripe, I thought Bone had taught you manners," Hazelstar snapped.

            "They'll do fine, Moonstar," Bone began. "They're still MoonClan cats through and through. If we just give them a little motivation, they'll do what they're told tomorrow."

            "Perfect," Hazelstar purred. "You here that Tigerstripe, Jetfur? You'll be back on the battlefield tomorrow."

            Jetfur mumbled quietly while Tigerstripe refused to make eye contact. Hazelstar continued, watching as each mentor gave an explanation on their apprentices' training. She would nod, eyeing them, inflicting a tiny bit of pain on some, but not much.

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