Chapter 1

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            Hazelnose yawned as she awoke, stretching her legs. The sun was shining up ahead, and she was in a calm and quiet forest. In fact, she had been living in the forest for quite some time. After the battle of MoonClan, she had retreated here, and she had been there ever since.

            Hazelnose still remembered how she had turned to her mother's side. Her brother, Chesnuttail, had messed with her friend, Cloverpelt, too many times. After Cloverpelt had fallen for his tricks again, Hazelnose had tried to warn her friend, and she had fought off Chesnuttail and Cloverpelt. Sunstar, the leader of FoxClan, had soon found out of her attacking, and when Hazelnose attacked the leader, she was exiled. She then knew what her mother felt, and she had left to go to her side.

            Hazelnose had remembered meeting the young tom, Rockclaw, while she spent her days in MoonClan. He had been charming and loving, and he had even broken up with his old mate just to be with her. Together he joined her, and one day, she had found out she was expecting his kits.

            The joy was broken easily though when he died in the battle of MoonClan. Hazelnose had then left to these woods where she gave birth to a brown tabby tom. She named him Treekit, and she would make sure he destroyed the FoxClan cats once and for all. She had trained him hard, and she sent him to FoxClan, making sure Moonstar guided him there. She had not heard back from the tom or Moonstar though, and Hazelnose still wondered if her son was even alive.

            Hazelnose shook the thoughts away, padding through the woods in search of prey. It was green-leaf, so there was plenty of prey to go around. She sniffed the air, suddenly spotting a squirrel nearby. She leapt, killing it in a swipe.

            As she ate it, she remembered her lessons on killing MoonClan, though they spoke about killing cats, not prey. She still wondered if retreating to MoonClan was a good idea.

            Of course it was a good idea, Hazelnose thought. You'd be nothing without MoonClan today. You'd just be a stupid FoxClan cat and coward like your brother.

            After her meal, Hazelnose washed it down with some fresh water from the stream. With not much to do, she decided a nice nap in the sun would feel good. Yawning, she nestled back down, falling asleep.

Hazelnose knew she was in the Dark Forest as soon as she opened her eyes. Everything was dark and creepy, and no life seemed to move through the entire place. Hazelnose knew she was here for a reason though, there had to be one.

            Soon enough, she saw two paws, and she gasped as she saw two glowing red eyes. Her mother stepped out of the bush, a malicious grin on her face.

            "Moonstar," Hazelnose immediately spoke, bowing down to her mother.

            "Ah, Hazelnose, still thinking of me as your leader," she spoke, tracing a claw over the she-cat's head. "Very good. Now get up, get up."

            Hazelnose stood up, her legs shaking. Though she was on her mother's side, she was still frightened of the she-cat, for she knew what her mother was capable of.

            "M-Mother, why have you brought me here? I haven't seen you since—"

            "Since I sent your son to FoxClan, I know," Moonstar said. "Sit down, Hazelnose."

            Hazelnose nodded, and without thinking, she blurted, "Is he alive?" Moonstar eyed her and Hazelnose spoke again. "Is my son alive?"

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