Chapter 21

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"TRY THAT MOVE AGAIN!" Hazelstar shouted at the three apprentices who sat whimpering.

Fang sat in the distance, watching the three toms curiously.

"Listen to Hazelstar," he growled.

Hazelstar had been attending more and more training sessions, keeping a watchful eye on the captives and apprentices.

"Go on!" Hazelstar shouted.

Blackpaw cautiously moved forward and leapt at Shadepaw, knocking the small black apprentice off his feet. Copperpaw stood to the side, frowning at Blackpaw's move.

"Don't just stand there, Copperpaw!" Fang shouted. "Your brother is working. Why aren't you?"

"Sorry, Fang," Copperpaw whimpered, turning towards Shadepaw who licked a few scratches on his pelt.

"Oh, leave Shadepaw be," Hazelstar explained. "It's no fair that he's the smallest out of all of you. Fight your brother, Copperpaw."

Copperpaw took in a deep breath. "No."

Hazelstar lurched forward and pinned the ginger tom down.

"What did you say?"

Copperpaw's lip quivered. "I-I said 'no,' Hazelstar. I won't do it."

"You're trying to be quite the hero, aren't you?" Hazelstar hissed. "This is the first time an apprentice has stood up to me. You have the same strong will as your father."

Copperpaw didn't move. He only laid under Hazelstar's grip, quivering.

"I wouldn't want to see an apprentice killed so young. Don't you agree, Copperpaw? Attack your brother."

"No!" he shouted again.

Hazelstar sunk her claws into his stomach, causing him to cry out in pain.

"I won't waste my time on you," she muttered, releasing her grip. She turned to Fang.

"Teach this apprentice some manners. I'll check back later," she growled, rushing off.

As she looked behind her, she watched as Copperpaw backed away from his screeching mentor in fear.

For a moment, and only a moment, Hazelstar emphasized with the apprentice.

"He must learn as I did," she muttered, running off to the next group she would check on.

Passing the spring and large pine tree, Hazelstar could spot Bloodfur by a nearby stump with the three she-cats.

Hazelstar watched as an exhausted Rosecloud made her way towards Lavenderwhisker who leaped over her.

"Don't tease her!" Bloodfur shouted. "Attack her, Lavenderwhisker!"

Hollybreeze was collapsed on the ground, panting heavily as a pile of blood swarmed around her.

"Good morning!" Hazelstar called as she padded towards the group of cats.

"Hazelstar, you've caught us right in the middle of a lesson," Bloodfur spoke. "I-I assume you're here to watch."

"Well, yes," Hazelstar laughed. Bloodfur laughed nervously by her as she glanced at the three she-cats.

"Bloodfur, why is Hollybreeze not practicing?" Hazelstar asked.

Bloodfur gulped. "She's collapsed from exhaustion, Hazelstar. I was afraid she might die if she continued training."

"Ah, she's fine," Hazelstar observed.

One of Hollybreeze's green eyes turned to look at her.

"Get up, she-cat!" she growled, shoving Hollybreeze.

The she-cat groaned in response but did not move.

"Move, you filthy FoxClan cat!" Hazelstar shouted, grabbing her by the scruff and tossing her.

Hollybreeze yowled and slowly rose to her feet.

"Leave my mother alone," Rosecloud spat at Hazelstar.

"Ah, yes, you're the mate of my son," Hazelstar laughed, tracing her tail underneath the calico's chin.

"You've hurt everyone close to me. You're getting nowhere with this plan," Rosecloud growled.

The others stood to the side as Hazelstar fixed her gaze on Rosecloud.

"You're as stubborn as my brother," Hazelstar rolled her eyes. "You think you're so brave, she-cat. I just required your sons to duel, your mother is in a state of injury, and I can't wait for what's in store for others in your family."

"Leave my family alone!" Rosecloud spat.

"You act like your maternal instincts are superior to everyone else's. No one here can be a hero, Rosecloud. You came save your kits, or her kits," she said, pointing to Lavenderwhisker. "You can't even save your pathetic mother. Tell me, do you honestly believe these cats will survive battle?"

"I fought one before," Hollybreeze croaked. "I can fight another."

"But these two haven't," Hazelstar laughed, pointing at Rosecloud and Lavenderwhisker. "They were born after the battle, obviously."

"I don't recall you fighting, Hazelstar," Hollybreeze spoke up.

Hazelstar focused on the black she-cat and marched towards her.

"I'd watch your words, Hollybreeze. You'll end up dead like the rest of them," Hazelstar growled.

"That's enough!" Bloodfur shrieked. "I'm sorry my apprentices have terrible manners, Hazelstar. Let's get back to our lesson."

"Why not let me teach the lesson for the day, Bloodfur?" Hazelstar asked.

"Hazelstar, you must remember these cats are needed for battle. It will be quite a spectacle to see them fighting against their own kind. Have you checked with Deerheart and Rabbitfur?"

"No, I have not," Hazelstar growled. "I will leave you for now," Hazelstar hissed at the captives. "Keep them in line, Bloodfur."

With those words, Hazelstar raced off through the woods. It was as if her own clanmates were turning against her, trying to fight her own battles.

"I'll teach them respect later," she murmured, spotting Deerheart and Rabbitfur with Chesnuttail and Cloudfoot up on a grassy hill.

"Good, good!" Rabbitfur's voice echoed as the toms circled each other.

Hazelstar padded up the hill towards the father and son.

At the sight of Hazelstar, Deerheart called off the two and turned towards Hazelstar.

"How may we help you, Hazelstar?" Rabbitfur asked.

"I'm only here to see how training is going."

"It's going well," Deerheart reported.

"That's a relief. I've argued with every cat today," Hazelstar murmured, watching as Cloudfoot and Chesnuttail awkwardly stood by the two mentors.

"Is my brother behaving?" Hazelstar asked.

"He struggled earlier this morning, but we whipped him into shape," Rabbitfur explained.

Hazelstar turned back to look at her brother, noticing some claw marks down his leg.

"Very well. Keep up the good work. I'll be on my way," Hazelstar grinned. "Let me know if you have any troubles."

"We will!" Rabbitfur waved as she ran off.

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