Chapter 2

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            Hazelnose knew the first place she had to journey to was the old MoonClan camp itself. There, she would be able to find Moonstone and receive her lives, and she would make sure the camp was structured again.

            Hazelnose was sad to leave her old forest, but she knew she could not fail Moonstar. She had to prove her loyalty.

            Hazelnose padded through the woods, looking at the woods below. She knew she did not have to travel far to find the old camp, but she still didn't want to embark on a week long journey.

            She was nervous as she thought about what the other members would think. Would they join? Had Moonstar come to them too? Hazelnose hoped Fire would accept to be her deputy...

            Hazelnose wondered what would happen when she kidnapped the FoxClan cats who were Moonstar's kin. She would finally see her son again. Maybe then she'd have a chance to kill him. And Chesnuttail, didn't he die in the battle of MoonClan? She shrugged, confused. Maybe he hadn't.

            She wondered about Tigerstripe. She hadn't seen him since he had gone off with Jetfur after Bone had claimed MoonClan was over. She was sure he was still his evil-self. She wondered if Chesnuttail or Tigerstripe had any kits. Leopardtail had given birth to Tooth's kits shortly before her death. Were they even still alive?

            All these thoughts ran through Hazelnose's mind as she began to race through the forest. It felt good, running past all the trees. The wind flew in her face, and she felt free, almost. Her life hadn't been too great anyway, and maybe staying out here in these woods was the best life for her.

            "No, I must complete this mission," Hazelnose growled to herself.

            She continued on her way, trying to ignore the hot green-leaf sun. She went over how she would run the camp in her head, expecting that if everything went well, they would be able to seek vengeance by leaf-fall.

            She continued on her way, walking at a fast speed. As she walked, she heard a rustle in the bushes. She froze, turning to see a rabbit nibbling on a berry. Licking her lips, she unsheathed her claws and leapt, killing it in one swipe.

            She ate the rabbit quickly, continuing on her way. She walked for awhile, walking faster and faster, even running at times. She was trying to shorten the trip as much as she could.

            The sun was beginning to set though, and she knew soon she'd be walking in the dark. She'd probably be forced to find a place to sleep until morning.

            She watched as the orange and pink skies began to fade, and she could see the slightest bit of stars, twinkling and dancing in the sky. Hazelnose tilted her head, remembering as a tiny kit in FoxClan when she had looked at the same stars, and she had felt free, knowing she was safe from harm.

            Oh, that had changed once she became a warrior, and after that, everything had changed. Hazelnose still remembered how Blacktail had saved her and her brother and had taken them to FoxClan. She had remembered feeling so happy, so loved. Why had that faded away?

            "Stop it," she spat. "You're acting like a soft-hearted kittypet. You're a MoonClan cat now," she spat, unsheathing her claws.

            Something kept allowing her to look at the stars though. Why couldn't she turn away? Was it because she had heard legends of StarClan cats up there? Hazelnose sighed, knowing she would never walk with StarClan.

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