Epilogue - Niall

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I woke with a huge grin plastered across my face. Today was the day. I happily walked into the kitchen where I found Liam nursing a cup of tea reading the sport section of the newspaper.

“I don’t get it…why is it called football if you can use your hands” He asked.

“Americans” We joked. The room was silent for a few moments before I spoke up.

“I’m gunna do it today” I opened the cupboard and pulled out a mug. I heard the crinkle of the newspaper as he placed it on the table

“Good luck” I could tell he wasn’t able to contain his smile.


I paid for the bouquet of flowers and thanked the florist. Lillies: The first flower i brought her when she was allowed visitors for the first time. Stepping out into the warm air I headed down the street towards the hospital. lt had taken everything I had not to sprint there given what I was about to do.

Girls dream about this day their entire lives; I just didn't want to disappoint her if it was exactly perfect. The triage nurse waved to me as I walked through the automatic door. She was already writing my visitors pass. Having come to see Hannah almost every day I knew practically all the nurses by name.

 "Hey Julie, is she in her room?" I couldn't shake the smile from my face

"She just got back from therapy, good luck" Julie returned the smile. She knew what today was. I had told her my plans the minute I knew I wanted to ask Hannah to marry me. I thanked her and headed down the hallway, fingers crossed. Stopping at Hannah's door I took a deep breath and entered.

"Hey" I said, the smile still plastered across my lips. Her perfectly pink lips smiled back. She eyed the flowers in my hand, which I had completely forgotten about until she brought attention to them.

"Yes these are for you" she giggled quietly. Though she wasn't speaking she had other ways of communicating, which made me appreciate the sound of her beautiful voice even more. She dumped the flowers from my last visit and handed me the vase. I slipped into the bathroom and quickly made her another floral arrangement. When I came back, I noticed she was watching Ace of Cakes again.

"Ace of Cakes again?" I asked. She smacked my chest. She rarely watches anything else given that patients are limited to what they can watch.

"Ok ok I know. You don't have much of a choice" at this point I had already joined her on the bed; she nestled closer.

We lay in her bed for a few more shows but I couldn't take the anticipation any longer. I stood up from the bed and she looked at me puzzled. I held out my hand signaling I wanted her to stand with me. She took it and did just that. I took a deep breath, gathering all the strength I could.

"I love you so much princess, I really do." My hand grasped hers.

"I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Her eyes grew widened as I bent down on one knee. The little black box weighing heavy in my pocket was taken out.

"Hannah Winters, Even in the short time we’ve been together I realize I never want to be without you. You're the first thing I think about when I wake up and the last thing I think about before I go to sleep. You mean everything to me...Will you marry me?" I barely chocked out the question. My hand shook with nerves. A big toothy smile formed on her face as she began to nod.

"But...l need to hear you say the word. I need to hear that beautiful voice of yours agree to be my wife"

Her eyes fell to the floor. I knew she didn’t want to. I began to think my plan had failed.

 "C'mon babe I know you can" I pressed my forehead to hers and tightly wrapped my arms around her small frame. She took a deep breath and her eyes lifted to meet mine.

“yes” She whispered.

I stood stunned. Her voice was the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. My lips instantly pressed to hers. She smiled against my mouth as I lifted her in the air.

A soft giggle escaped when I set her back on her feet. Her small arms slipped around my waist and her head was buried in my chest. My hand found hers as I placed the diamond on her finger. I gently squeezed her hand three times.

“I love you too” she responded with a smile.

A large figure appeared in the doorway, a man who seemed to be in his late 30s. He gripped a leather jacket in his hand and his dark tousled hair fell into his eyes. When he drew closer I noticed were the same colour as Hannah’s. I had never seen this man before but i became slightly irritated that he had just ruined our moment. The blood drained from the man's after Hannah uttered the word i never thought i'd hear her say.


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