Chapter 14 - Niall

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“Don’t you think it’s a little strange mate?” Liam probed. We stood in our kitchen while he made snacks for the girls in the other room.

“No. Not really. She’s just coping” I responded. Liam had been questioning be about Hannah’s silence for a week now. She had been mute for a little over two weeks and while it bothered others I didn’t mind it much. In the short time Hannah and I had been dating I had grown to understand her without words. I told myself the others just didn’t understand.

“Alright, I just hope your right.” Liam grabbed the bowl of crisps he had prepared and the 6 pack of fizzies from the fridge.

“I am” I responded but Liam was already in the other room. If I was being honest with myself I was in denial. I willed myself to believe Hannah was perfectly fine.


"Guys we have to do something, Hannah hasn't spoken a word since the funeral" Jeanine sat at a park bench. She had called Kennedi and I and said we had to meet her at the park between hers and Kennedi's house to talk.

"She's just upset. Leave her alone" Dee defended

"It’s been two and a half weeks. How does she go through life not talking?" Jeanine asked

"She’s getting really good at sign language" I joked and both girls hit my arms.

"This is serious" Kennedi shot me a look.

"Ok ok but think about it. Her dad is non-existent and she just lost her mum-"

"So did I..." Dee cut me off

"Yes, I know but you're handling it differently, if not better than she is. She just needs more time."

"..Should we have her committed?"

"JEANINE!" Kennedi yelled

"Well I'm just thinking of what best for her. Not talking is not exactly normal and it's not physical, its emotional so maybe if she 'talks' to a professional it'll help. She my best friend as much as she is your sister or your girlfriend" she pointed at Kennedi and I respectively.

"That's a terrible idea, she's not crazy!" I snapped

"Well..." Kennedi started

"No. There's no 'well' she's not insane she doesn't need to be put in a nut house" and I knew I was right.

Psych wards are for people with real issues. Hannah just lost her mom; she has a reason for acting the way she is. I was getting tired of everyone thinking Hannah was mental.

“Niall, it might be a good idea"

"Kennedi, you can't actually be serious?" I couldn't believe my ears. Her own sister wanted to have her

committed. I threw my hands up in disgust and walked away from the table. There is a logical reason for

Hannah's silence. She lost someone extremely close to her. But putting her in a psychiatric hospital is

absurd; she doesn't need that place....right? I left the girls at the park bench and started back down the dirt path potentially doubting my defense again Hannah's sister and best friend. Jeanine's words swirled around in my head. Would getting Hannah professional help really help? Could it do more damage than good? My head was spinning. Without her mom or dad, Hannah had only Jeanine, Kennedi and I. We were responsible for her wellbeing.

I slammed my car door shut before my knuckles impacted the steering wheel. A mixture of anger and partial defeat coursed through me. I couldn’t allow myself to let Hannah be committed but a small part of me knew that it would probably help.

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