Chapter 4 - Niall

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Hello readers!! this ones really short but enjoy anyway!! :) 


Liam’s Toyota beeped as he clicked the lock button on his remote.

“See ya later” He departed.

I was less than enthusiastic to get to class. My head raced with questions. Why did she reject me like that? Did I do something wrong? Should I try again?

Hannah was in the same seat. I took one in the row behind her 3 seats over. Mrs. Wesley began class by handing out a syllabus for a partner project. I could tell she noticed my change as her eyes flicked over to me.

“Now, you all may pick your partners—“ she started

“I pick Hannah” I raised my hand cutting Mrs. Wesley off.

“Okay Mr. Horan. Ms. Winters are you ok with that?” Hannah looked at me, a questioning look on her face.

“I guess” she responded. I smiled at her satisfactorily.

While I was bored out of my mind during the rest of class, the thought of Hannah and I having to spend time together for this project made time fly. When we were released from class I confidently strode passed Hannah and out into the hall.

“What the hell was that?” I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see a very confused Hannah standing there.

“You wouldn’t go on a date with me so I had to find another way to get you to spend time with me” I smiled slyly. She sighed.

“When do we start?” She crossed her arms.

“Day after tomorrow, your house. Looks like I get to see you Saturday after all”

“Fine” She gave a sly smile of her own and left. I celebrated my victory by skipping my last (and least favorite) class and going home to play Grand Theft Auto.

I was alone for a few hours before my roommate came home.

"Hey mate" He shouted.


"What's so funny?" He asked noticing the smile that hadnt left my face.

"you remember that girl i was talking to?" i explained

"Yea, that Hannah girl, right? She has a hot sister" He set his bag down and i looked at him confused

"Dude theyre twins. Anyway, i got her to go out with me" 

"Oh yea? Did you have to bribe her with food?" He chuckled to himself at my expense. I lowered my eye lids at him. He knew me all to well. Anytime i asked a girl out back in england it always invovled food in some way.

"No" i defended "a school project" Now realizing that a school project was probably just as bad as food.

He burst into a fit of laughter

"Way to go stud" 

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