Chapter 1 - Hannah

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"Rise and shine lazy butt, its laundry time!" My twin sister Kennedi strode into my room with a basket of my clean clothes. As usual she had been up at the ass crack of dawn doing whatever it is people who get up that early do. We may be twins but we couldn't be more different. For example, I’m a vegetarian, she's not. She listens to rap music and I like country. She has brunette hair, I'm a blonde. She wakes up at 5 A.M., I like to sleep in. Especially on a Saturday.

"Dee, its..." l sleepily lifted my head to check the time "6:30 a.m.?!" my head flopped back into my pillow.

"C'mon sis this laundry isn't going to fold itself. You're lucky I washed it for you. I’m not folding it too"

She proceeded to dump the entire contents of the basket on top of me. I let out a low muffled groan into my pillow

"Whatever" I mumbled and with that she sighed and left the room.

When I did finally decide to get out of bed it was still only 8 o' clock. The sunlight had become too much to sleep through. I sat up and stretched. After making my way to the bathroom I began my morning routine. Kennedi's music blared through the paper thin walls of our apartment.

"Dee could your music be any louder?!" I shouted. Her little brown eyes peered around the doorframe

"Sorry" she giggled. I pulled a brush through my golden locks. Deciding l didn't need to look particularly over done today, l just swiped on some mascara and lip gloss.

"Hey what're you plans for today?" Dee yelled from her room.

"Nothing, why?" I yelled back. My habit of picking out my clothes the night before came in handy in situations like this when I was too tired to do it in the morning. I slid on my favorite pair of skinnies and a flowy top. Flipping open my lap top I logged onto my Facebook.

"Nean wants to go see a movie or something" Jeanine was a mutual friend of mine and my sisters. We call her Nean for short.

"Fine by me" I shouted back. I knew of a few movies that were playing but decided to check the theater website any way. It didn't matter to me what we saw but I settled on my top three in case I was asked my opinion. My phone lit up and buzzed from across the room. It was a text from mom.

 From: Mom Cell

"Hey hunny can you or your sister come help

me with something for a few hours?"

I replied I was on my way and grabbed my keys. Mom's house was only a half mile away so I decided to walk.

"Postpone the movie a while, Mom needs help" I called to Dee as I headed out the door.

After about 3 and a half hours of helping mom paint her closet I was back on my way back to my apartment. Jake Owen played through my headphone and a warm summer breeze whipped through my hair. I slipped into my own world and started thinking about mom. My mom had been recently declared in remission from a breast cancer she's had since Dee and were little. It was her fourth time in remission but it didn’t last long as she found out the cancer was back about a month ago. I admired her for all her strength. It has to be hard hearing you have cancer the first time and she's had to hear it three times. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize I had bumped into someone until I hit the hard ground.

"Are you alright?" His thick Irish accent startled me a bit. It was one I had never heard before.

"Yea I’m fine" I stood up and brushed off my pants. When I finally looked up to meet his gaze I recognized it. With gorgeous eyes like his they were hard to forget. I stared into them for a moment before speaking.

"Hey, you're in my bio class. Your new right?"

"Yep, that's me" he smiled. His smile matched his eyes in attractiveness.

"I’m Niall,"


"That was way better than the ratings said it would be!" Jeanine said enthusiastically as we exited the movie theater

"I’m starving you guys wanna go eat?" Dee asked.

We all agreed on the burrito place not too far from the theater. Nean drove and as soon as she put the car into park I announced that I had to pee and hopped out.

 "I’m not surprised after the way you chugged that soda" Nean laughed at her own comment and Dee joined her.

"Oh shut up" l called over my shoulder as I headed for the door. I rounded the corner to the bathroom and smacked into a warm body. The person said nothing, only chuckled.

"That's twice in one day. Are you making a habit of this?" The now familiar Irish accent asked.

"Nope, purely coincidence." I said confidently. The truth was after I had bumped into him the first time I had made it a priority to talk to him again, but maybe at school and definitely not this soon after the first meeting.

"Who are you here with?" He asked looking around the restaurant.

"My friend and my sister" I replied. His eyes fell to meet mine.

"So no boyfriend then?" His eyebrows raised slyly.

"Well you don't waste any time" I laughed "But if you must know, no. No boyfriend."

"Good" he winked and brushed past me to his table.

After using the bathroom I strolled back to where I found the other girls seated.

"who were you talking to? He's gorgeous!" Nean asked

"Just someone I met earlier." There was absolutely no denying Niall was incredibly attractive. His crystal blue eyes paired with his shaggy blonde hair made it impossible not to stare.

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