Chapter 6 - Niall

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“So what kind of music do you listen to?” I asked. Hannah and I sat at a table in the corner of the half empty shop. She took a spoonful of her rather interesting treat. We had talked during my entire 30 minute break about any number of things from school and homework and friends to music.

“Umm whatever’s on the radio?” she giggled. I joined the laughter at her lack of musical knowledge.

“ok so pop. Country. Rap—“ I counted on my fingers

“Ew no, not rap” she cut me off with a giggle. Our laughter ceased awkwardly because one thing I questioned was still on my mind.

“Can I ask you something?...why did you turn me down before?”

She bit her lip and looked at the floor. I could tell there was more than what I had assumed. I would have let it go if it were anyone else. But Hannah was different. The colour of her eyes took my breathe away like no one else ever has. I was determined to get her to go out with me and I couldn’t do that until I knew why I had been rejected…twice.

“I just umm… I was busy” her eyes stayed glued to the floor.

“Doing?” I pressed. She shifted in her seat. I could tell the conversation made her uncomfortable. “You can tell me.”

“My mom has cancer… I spend most of my time taking care of her.” She finally lifted her head to meet my gaze. I was stunned. I had prepared for anything. She lied about having a boyfriend, she just wasn’t interested, hell even that she was a drug dealer or something I would’ve dealt with. But the last thing I expected was the truth.

“Hannah i—“

“It’s ok. She was diagnosed a while ago so any time I would have for a social life I give to her. Jeanine is the only other person who knows” Her fingers entangled with each other as she nervously fidgeted.

 “I’m sorry. I had no idea. If I did I wouldn’t have asked” My hand reached for hers. I wasn’t surprised when my fingers tingled at her touch.

“It’s ok. I know” I couldn’t help but notice how perfectly her small hand fit in mine. “but that’s why...and that why this probably wont happen. I’m sorry” she quickly scooted out her chair and headed for the exit. My hand caught hold of her wrist twisting out of my seat to face her.

“Hannah, don’t be sorry. I think you are incredibly strong for taking care of your mum” she turned, her sparkling brown eyes looking up at me. I stood toe to toe with her, our hands still interlocked. “I want to take you out” After a slight hesitation my hand cupped her chin, our eyes still locked. “My roommate and I are going out to a club tonight. Come.”

Her lips curled into a smile. After interpreting her reaction as an acceptance, my own lips matched hers. I leant down to kiss her cheek.

“I’ll pick you up at 8”


I knocked on Hannah’s apartment door. Moments later Hannah stood in the doorway. Her long blonde hair was perfectly straight and deep red lips matched her short dress.

“Hey” she said with a smile “This is my sister Kennedi and you already met Jeanine, they’re coming too.” she threw a thumb over her shoulder towards the others. My hand dropped from a wave to find Hannah’s. I led them to where my car was parked. We all climbed in and I introduced them to Liam and our friend Harry, who was visiting from England.

As we approached the night club, the thumping of the bass grew louder. I drove around to the alley and parked the car. Everyone hopped out and we headed towards the back door. When it opened a large man stood in the doorway. Hannah shot me a confused look, her eyes flicking between me and the bouncer. Her face twisted with more confusion when he let us pass. We walked down the hall way towards the crowded area

“That’s my uncle” I chuckled, my head nodded towards the body guard. I heard numerous ‘oh’s behind me. Our small group weaved through the dancing crowd to a booth at the back.

“You wanna dance?” I offered.

“If you want to get hurt” she laughed “I can’t dance”

This time I wouldn’t take her rejection. My fingers found her wrist and I pulled her with me. When we reached the sweaty dancers I held Hannah close, my body already swaying to the music.

“You know usually it’s the guy that can’t dance” She had to almost yell to compete with the volume of the music. I smirked but continued to move. Before long Hannah and I were engulfed in the crowd, perspiring as much as they were. Our bodies moved together as I held her back to my front. I mentally concluded that she was being too modest about her lack of dancing ability.

She turned to face me, breathing heavily.

“I’m going to get a drink” she shouted. Before I could respond she had slipped away from me towards the bar. I made my way back to our booth where Liam and Jeanine sat talking.

I waited about 10 minutes eyeing the bar for my beautiful blondie. Then 20 minutes had gone by and she hadn’t returned. After about 40 minutes I searched for her in the crowd. The club was small so it didn’t take me long to figure out she was no longer there. I curiously shuffled through the mass of sweaty bodies towards the back. My uncle had since moved to the club’s front door as more people began to show up. The car was still parked out there so I guessed Hannah had forgotten something and had gone back so I headed towards the back door. When I exited the club, the scene in the alley made my stomach flip.

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