Chapter 9 - Hannah

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“Oh my poor baby!” my mom’s grip on me strongly increased. Niall had taken me to see her after Dee had called to tell her the events of last night.

“Mom, I’m fine.” She let go of me only to throw her arms around Niall.

“Thank you for saving my little girl!” She squealed in his ear. He stood allowing my mother to hug him, unsure of what to say.

“See I knew he was a good catch” My mom commented after releasing him. “What’re you guys up to today?”

“Just working on the project back at my place” I replied. “Can I borrow your laptop?”

“Sure hun it’s in the living room.” I strode into the living room and unplugged the device. I thanked my mom after returning to the kitchen. I gripped Niall’s hand and dragged him behind me on the way to the door trying to get out of my moms house without her giving us another dose of "love"

 “Bye mom!”

 “It was nice meeting you Mrs. Winters” Niall called but I pulled the door shut before she could respond.

“Your mum is nice” Niall’s cheeky smile flashed across his face. His crystal blues peered down to my brown ones.

“She can be a bit much” I jokingly rolled my eyes at him and started back down the path towards my apartment.

The walk was quiet. The only thing on my mind was how hard I was falling for the boy next to me. The events of the night prior made that clear. It had only been a few weeks since Niall and I started talking but it felt like months.

“Ya know were supposed to be working” Niall hovered above me, his muscular arms supporting him on either side of my small frame. We lay on the floor of my bedroom attempting to put something of paper for the project. A blank Word document sat open on the lap top in front of us.

 “I know but I‘d rather do this” he lowered himself closer leaving a soft kiss to my lips.

“I think I’d rather do that too” my fingers found their way into Niall’s shaggy locks. Our mouths moved in sync.  Niall drew back.

“You’re right though. We have to get something done or we’re both going to fail.” We both giggled before he stole another kiss. My phone buzzed from its spot beside the laptop.

“Will you grab that for me?” I asked, his warm body still hovering over me. His smile fell as he glanced at the preview of my new message.

“I think the project will have to wait” he spoke quietly. I swiftly unlocked the device and read the text

From: Dee

“Come to the hospital now… Its mom.”


 Niall’s hands stayed glued to the steering wheel. He insisted he drive since tears already flowed from my eyes. My mind raced as I stared out the window. Niall must have sensed my tension because his warm fingers entwined with my trembling ones.

 “She’s going to be fine babe” He assured. I gave him a weak smile. He didn’t know that but he was trying to comfort me which I appreciated. My heart beat loud in my ears as we pulled into the parking garage. It somehow seemed larger, more intimidating. Niall’s hand found mine again when we climbed out of the car as we made our way to the visitors entrance. The sterile scent filled my nose as I approached the desk

“Lynda Winters?” I asked. The nurse gave me a small smile and typed my mother’s names.

“Room 156 hun” I nodded to her and headed down the hall. The long walk ended at the room where my mom lay still in the bed. Kennedi sat beside her in a large chair. She met my gaze and I could tell she had been crying. Tears threatened my own eyes when I saw all the tubes and wires my mom was hooked up to. The faint heart monitor beeped in the background. I walked over to my weepy sister and pulled her into my embrace.

“What happened? What did they say?” My small voice was almost a whisper. Dee sniffled before speaking

“I went to moms to find you and she had passed out in the kitchen. The doctor says she stopped getting treatment 2 weeks ago” A lump formed in my throat as a thought popped into my head. Two weeks ago I started spending more time with Niall. She wasn’t quitting because of me was she? I glanced at the boy standing in the doorway, keeping his distance so my sister and I could visit with mom. A worried smile crept onto his face as if he knew what was on my mind. Dee handed me a piece of paper. The only words visible through the blur of my new forming tears were at the top in a bold font ‘Ceasing of treatment’

“He said without the chemo her body is too busy fighting the cancer it’s forgetting to take care of her other organs.”

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