My father thinks I'm marrying Kalani to make some sick point to him—to go against my father's wishes by marrying someone who isn't apart of our world. If that was the case, I would've chosen someone who wasn't the mother of my child. Lord knows how outraged he would be for me to have a child with two different women. But I don't need to explain myself to him. I don't need to explain my relationship with Kalani.

What upsets me is him thinking I would just allow anyone into our family. I know everything there is to know about Kalani. I've known everything since the moment she told me she was carrying my child. She's not apart of our world, but I know she'd fit in perfectly. Her parents raised her with morals and values many of these women don't have. She's a rare find, he just doesn't understand it.

"Grayson," my father tried to reason with me by changing my mind. He gave me the look he always does when he wants things to go his way. It works on Paige and Matthew. He still has his claws in them. It usually works on me too. But I wasn't going to cave. Not when it came to my daughter or my fiancé.

"If you're going to try and persuade me into marrying Marianne, it won't happen. I am marrying Kalani and our wedding is in less than three months," I glanced down at my phone when it buzzed but I was quickly disappointed because it was just my brother sending me a stupid meme.

"You need a boy and she won't give you more children."

"She will," I argued.

It was a stretch. Kalani and I haven't talked much about more children, mainly because neither of us wanted one. Not to mention, Kalani is young and really cares for her career. She sees herself going back to work after Amelia turns one and she expects me to have shorter work days to help care for Amelia so she can go back to work part time. Realistically, it would be near to impossible with me becoming CEO. Which means, I cannot see her having another baby any time soon. And that's probably for the best because I can't see myself having another child either. I cannot see myself loving anyone as much as I love Amelia, so for the next baby's sake, it's better if I stop at one.

"Kalani and I's relationship is none of your concern. You should start preparing for your retirement and departure from the CEO position. I would like to start my position effective immediately after the wedding," I looked at my phone when I received a text from Paige saying she would be taking Kalani home from the meeting. I was relying on using Kalani as my escape. But like on cue, Amelia's crying blared through the baby monitor. Thank you Amelia.

I got up and went up the stairs to the nursery my parents have specifically for her. Amelia was on her feet, using the side of the crib for support as she cried.

"I'm right here, princess," I cooed when she rose her arms for me to pick her up. I rocked her back and forth in my arms, rubbing my hand along her back. Her head rested on my shoulder while her arms went around my neck. She's slowly getting bigger and it feels like just yesterday her and Kalani were moving into my place. "Are you ready to go?" I whispered as I kissed her cheek. I picked up her jacket from the rocking chair and carefully put it onto her for us to head downstairs and leave.

"Where are you going? Are you sure you're not staying for dinner? The cook is making casserole," my mother followed me to the front door. "Please don't give me the same treatment as your father. You know I love both Kalani and Amelia." That I know to be true. My mother has taken the time to get to know the both of them. She's more excited about this wedding than I am which is shocking. She's always been a sucker for love and I'm convinced it's because her and my father lack it.

My mother grew up in this world and married my father when she was eighteen and he was twenty five. It was an arranged marriage. My grandfather told my father it was time for him to settle down. Seeing as my mother is a Vanderbilt, they saw the marriage being beneficial for the both of them. Merging two powerful families like the Vanderbilts and Astors was a dream come true for my grandfather.

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