Chapter One

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Bittersweet Chapter One

Liz smiled as she stood in the kitchen of her house making breakfast. Her two kids sat at the table arguing and she just rolled her eyes, "Jude stop picking on Emmy," she said as she put his pancakes on a plate and then brought them to the table for him. She smiled as she watched him pour syrup over them. She was glad he didn't get any on him.

"But it's fun to pick on her," four year old Jude Hanson spoke as he looked up at his mother, his brown eyes locking with her blue ones.

Liz couldn't help but laugh, "I'm sure it is," she nodded as she went to the stove and turned it off. Grabbing the plate of pancakes she had made herself earlier, she sat down at the table with her children. She was glad that Jude wasn't a mess, Emmy on the other hand wasn't the same.

"I think mommy is going to have to give you a bath my Emerson Rose," Liz said as she smiled before taking a bite. She liked mornings when it was just her and the kids and for the past two months it had been just her and the kids. Her husband of seven years was on the road again. He had finally found another band to join and now they were on their first tour.

Emerson scrunched up her face and shook her head no.

Liz laughed again as she took another bite, "You may not want one but you are getting one," she smirked as she shrugged. It seemed Emerson was taking after her father and his bathing habits.

Finishing the rest of her food in silence, Liz stood from the table once she was done and took her dishes and the kids dishes to the sink. Washing them in a hurry she put them in the drainer as she heard both kids run off. Turning she was just about to go after them until she heard a knock at the door.

"Who the heck is that?" she asked as she looked down at her wrist watch. Their nanny Eleanor wasn't due until noon when Liz had plans to have lunch with Isaac's ex-wife Sara. Sighing, she reluctantly walked to the door and without checking the peep hole she opened the door, coming face to face with a familiar man.

"Taylor," Liz muttered as she felt a grin plaster onto her face. It had been four years since he had last been in Tulsa. Right after Natalie had given birth to their fourth child. Liz knew now though that they were up to five children, having had their fifth one just five months ago.

Taylor smiled as he looked Liz over once she had opened the door, "Hello darlin," he said before pulling her into a hug.

Hugging Taylor back, Liz grinned more before pulling away, "Come in," she said as she moved aside so that he could. Once he had came in she shut the door behind him, "I didn't know you were in town."

"I decided to make a surprise visit," Taylor replied as he walked over to the couch and sat down. Liz and Zac had moved into this house right after they married in 2006. He had only been here twice. "No one knew I was coming."

"Oh," Liz said as she followed him over to the couch. "Did Natalie and the kids come with you?" she asked as she raised an eyebrow and sat down beside him.

At her comment, Taylor sighed and ran a hand through his hair, "No," he said as she frowned. "We umm, well she filed for divorce two weeks ago," he said frowning. "She apparently found someone else," he frowned more as remembered their last conversation. It hurt because he had come to love Natalie over their nine year marriage. He had come to love her way more than he had ever loved Liz.

Liz scrunched up her nose, much like Emerson had done at breakfast, "How in the heck did Natalie have time to meet another man with five children?"

Taylor laughed bitterly, "It's a woman," he informed Liz feeling almost sick at the thought. His wife had left him for another woman. "Her name is Kate and she has been Natalie's friend since high school."

"Oh," Liz said again as she felt her mouth drop some. To say she was shocked was an understatement. "I never pictured Natalie as a lesbian," she finally replied after several stunned minutes of silence. "I'm sorry Taylor," she sighed as she reached over and rubbed his shoulder like she would one of her children if they needed comforting.

"It's not your fault," Taylor shrugged as he felt her rubbing his shoulder. It felt weird having her rubbing his shoulder. "How are things with Zac?" he asked deciding to change the question. "I went to see his band when they were in Atlanta last month but we didn't talk long," he sighed. Even after nine years things were still a bit strained between him and Zac, though they had came a long way too since 2004.

"Zac told me you came," Liz nodded as she moved her arm off his shoulder. "But things between us are good," she smiled feeling a bit guilty for saying that after his confession about Natalie. "We're going to try for another a baby once he comes home from tour," she said knowing they had decided on that before he left. Emerson would be three in December and Jude would be five in May and they had both decided it would be the perfect time to add a third child to the mix.

Taylor couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy at Liz's words. Not because he loved Liz or wanted her back, but because Liz and Zac were happy. Liz and Zac and were happier than he was. His life was shit and theirs was great.

"I'm happy for you," Taylor lied as he offered Liz a fake smile.

Liz noticed Taylor's fake smile but didn't call him on it, "Thanks," she nodded as she looked into his eyes. She hated that his marriage had seemed to be ending while hers and Zac seemed to be getting better. It got better every year. "I'm sure things will get better for you," Liz said as she stood up and reached down for Taylor's hand.

Taylor raised his eyebrow when Liz reached down and took his hand and before he could ask her what she was doing, she had pulled him off the couch and into the kitchen. "What are you doing Elizabeth?" he asked using her full name.

"Fixing you coffee," Liz laughed as she sat Taylor down in a chair at the table. "I figured coffee may make you a little bit happy," she shrugged as she went to the coffee maker and plugged it up. She rarely made coffee for herself. Though when Zac was home she made it for him.

Laughing some Taylor shook his head, "Coffee may make me a bit happy but it won't fix the hole in my heart," he frowned as he watched Liz start the coffee pot. "But thanks for trying."

Liz turned to face Taylor once she had the coffee pot going, "It's the least I could do," she said simply being honest. She didn't love Taylor anymore but he was still her friend. A friend who she cared deeply for. "Are you back in Tulsa for good?" she asked sitting in a chair across from him.

"Not for good," he said knowing he couldn't just leave his children behind. "But for awhile anyway. Until I'm ready to face Natalie and her girlfriend," he said still not liking saying that outloud. "I'm staying at my parents until I'm ready to go back."

Laughing at his last words, Liz shook her head, "Poor Diana and Walker will never be completely rid of you kids," she said knowing that up until now they had just still had Zoe at home. Mac had moved to California and Avery lived in New York, while Jessica had gotten married in September of 2011.

"I know, but I think secretly mom likes it," Taylor shrugged as he winked at Liz. "You know you'll love it every time your kids come running back home after they are adults."

"True," Liz agreed knowing she would. Seeing the coffee was done, she stood up and went to the cabinets getting a cup down and pouring coffee in it. Taking it over to him she sat down at the table again, "I have plans with Sara today for lunch," she informed him, "but you are allowed to stay and keep me company until I go."

Taking the cup of coffee from her, Taylor just nodded, "If you say I can then I will," he said taking a sip of the warm liquid. He was glad he still had a friend in her.

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