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June stood frozen in place, horrified for what seemed like forever. An unfortunately familiar face continued to stare him down, with a unrelentingly disgusting smirk plastered across it. What seemed like forever, had in actuality become forever- tearing space once more to fit the grotesque needs of this world. "So, are we just going to stand here and let the world continue to deteriorate?" Junhoe managed a shaky nod in response, the tension had become so thick that even slight movements became almost impossible. "Fantastic then-" The figure moved, a snap of its fingers rendering them in a different space. Shoddy garbage ridden walls turned to eerily clean ones, and two worn leather chairs were the only things in the space. "Sit, this will take awhile." June found himself refusing to comply, unknowingly placing his life on the line. "Unfortunate, I really thought I built you better than this." Jun gulped, and with the strangers gaze firmly focused upon him moved unconditionally into the chair. "There, isn't that better?" 

"What do you want?" June whispered, "Repeat that? I'm a bit deaf, you of all people should know this-" "What the fuck, do you want." Laughing, the figure was laughing at June's anger. Because oh yes, he was certainly angry, angry as the figure allowed him to be of course. "Oh we all know what I want June, or at least that one loyal readers probably aware. Hopefully..." "Dogshit, no one reads your material!" Jun yelled, the figure turned to what would be facing you, at your screen- "Have you figured it out yet? Jesus-" How much obvious do I need to make this? No this isn't a fucking grammatical error, although I love those to bits- "I'm getting off track, June I'm here to negotiate the terms of ending the story." Gasp yes, we all want this gigantic clusterfuck to end, and now it shall. "Your not going to kill me?" June stammered out, "No Eboni would not allow it, lucky you." Kal murmured,  "Regardless you still have to choose, within my bounds of course." "너 개자식." June said, because no one else speaks in korean. "Nice daddyo, now actually pick the ending and stop dragging this out."

"I want Eboni and me to be happy, and live somewhere almost distastefully beautiful."


"Something other writers would hate, because its too corny unironically."

"You are aware your existence is only logged on wattpad right?"

"I meant good writers you rotten kimchi splattered couch fucker."

"Harsh words, but noted, go on."

"I want Kimchi to find a way to bring Afro-Jaden back, in the most ridiculous fashion imaginable- he's gotta live with us. Make me a fantastic cook, cause we live in the middle of nowhere and I can't live off of mac and cheese."

"Anything else?"

"Make taxes not a thing, and make sure that the villain never effects us ever again. And actually, just remove any  annoying real life elements that are important to shaping us as people."

"Hm, what a pretty picture you have painted for me here. It'll all be done."

"Do you promise?"

"Why would I fucking promise a thing, I'm a fickle being so just hope you don't inspire me to do something else with your miserable excuse for a character."

"Wowie thats harsh you lil piece of tsundare trash, so can I leave now?"

"I dunno, can you?"

"What the fuck Kal, just end this- please."

"Its done, hope you enjoy my little dirty pigeon."

It seems that Kal hadn't lied, everything appeared to be how he asked it to be. Jun looked infant of him, at his beautiful family. Afro-Jaden looked fantastic for a kid who'd been dead for a month, a new shiny cybernetic body kept him among the living. "Wow Kimchi you really did a great job at saving Jaden-" he assumed "Thanks daddy I worked really hard on him!" Kim said with a smile, Kyle somewhere in the world was screaming because he was brought back by someone less fucking talented at resurrecting the dead (and also kinda made him 'better' using his friends body parts BUT WHATEVER). Afro-Jaden smiled, and walked off set to smoke some weed or whatever the fuck Jaden does. "Honey~" Enobi's sensual voice made its way to Junes ears, bringing his attention back to what mattered. "I'm so glad you wished this for us," Eboni tried to close the space between them, but Jun held her in place.

"How do you know about that?"

"Theres so much that I know Jun, so very much. Just don't question it, we don't wanna ruin this do we."

Jun nodded, slightly afraid of the unknown for the first time- and closed the distance.

He didn't want to ruin this,

did he?

AN: Thanks for reading this hunk of shit, if I even continue this for the love of god kill me. If Eboni picks it back up though don't, a co-author deserves the power to bring back dead joke. I would say hope you enjoyed, but we both know the novelty eventually disappeared. Good luck to you in the future, if you actually clicked on this. Because anyone who reads this deserves better, I'll stop talking now.

How JunhoE saved my lifeWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt