Love is like Wine

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June finally woke up from his weirdass nightmare, 'Iiyo' he said in an unpleased manner. But where am I? This question quickly consumed daddy, leaving him scarred in a heap. The room wasnt uninviting, or scary in anyway. But it was missing something that made Junhoe feel at home, regardless of where he was. It was missing his large collection of shampoo. He could never even hope to be content without it.

Knock knock

The sound make Junh realize he was in some strangers house that may feed him jelly and do horrid things.

'Uhhh hey' an strangely familiar voice rang through the air. Junhoeface just covered himself in blankets for the voice cont attack him der. 'Im sorry for dragging you here without permission, can we talk or... Something?' June just made a zombie-esq screech in response, which prompted you guessed it gay calculator to enter the room. June remembered his weird dream, but thought nothing of it. Considering his life has no consistency at all. 'Do do...' June squeaked 'Dude do you have banging human legs and intend to pineapple my kimchi. Cause if you do I WILL ENVOKE THE RAG EOF VAASRAMOUS UPON THY MORTAL YET MAYBE SEXY FOR-' jun interipted himself with a cough 'Pls mister no jelly on me.' 'Oh phew, I though you changed your personality all of the sudden.' The robot sighed in relief 'But will be new daddy?' June said with fire in eye. The robots buttons suddenly became filled with lust 'yeee ayy lmao lemme show u sometin.' And out popped a slightly above average looking adult male human? with emo hair.  'You excanhe god like box look for me?!?' Junjo said with excretement. 'Yes i do, and I have nice leg leg becaus u like no?' In another relm lenny smiles upon their romanxe, but back to sex. They had it, three times. One more time than eboni sexi exi.

And once more, Hoe Kinky dad was happy.

I put in plot twist u no c cuming, lol like sub pay me lolololooooooo. Read next chapat ehen come ou k? Thx

How JunhoE saved my lifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon