Mates and Werewolves

Start from the beginning

The mating process starts with them finding each other. Then, the male bites the female where he wants his mark to be. Usually, it's where the shoulders and the neck meet. Finally, they make love when the female goes into heat.

I cut in.

Hold on. Does this process happen all at once or it takes time because I am not having sex with my best friend in a week, and I barely know what has been going on in his life the past four years?

Are you rejecting him?

No. I just don't want to rush anything especially with how much I've been through. I just wanna take my time with this. Can I do that?

Yeah, but don't wait too long.

How long you're giving me?

4 months until y'all mate.

Stephanie spoke then.

I'm giving them 6 months.

I cut in then.

Are you two making bets on when we mate?

They replied at the same time.


I just shook my head.

What happens if I reject him?

Then you both will feel a very strong pain in your hearts. That's teh mate bond breaking You will be able to find love again, but it will never feel like what you and your mate will share. 

Ok. Thanks. 

I left, and when I woke up, I felt someone gently shaking me. By the sparks I felt, I knew it was Jace. I finally opened my eyes. We were outside my house, and Sara was pacing by the door. Jace was still standing in front of me.


Hey Jace. I need to talk to you.

Ok, but first you need to open the door, so we can take all this stuff inside.


He held out his hand, and I took it. He helped me out of the car and still held it while we walked up to the front door next to Sara. I tapped her on her shoulder, and she turned around.

Hey, sleeping beauty.

Haha. That was so funny I forgot to laugh, but can you please move, so I can unlock the door?

How do you unlock it? I tried your key, but it didn't work.

I took the keys from her.

That's because there is no key. It's actually a scale with a passcode.

I let go of Jace's hand and stood on the doormat. I put the key in the lock and turned it five times. I heard the click and removed a brick to reveal a keypad. I punched in the code, and the pad moved to reveal a handprint scanner. I placed my hand on it and waited until I heard it beep. I removed my hand, and it moved again to reveal a blood tester. I placed my finger on the pad and felt a small pinch. I removed my hand and put the brick back. I heard another click and removed the brick that was eye level with me. The retinal scanner scanned my eye, and the door unlocked. Sara spoke then.

I would've never guessed that, but how come when you open the door the first time, you didn't have to do all that?

That's because when a person who is not in the system tries to open the door, the whole house goes into lockdown, so I had to disarm the security system and unlock the door.

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