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So I have no idea what today is.It is a bit sad to not know.But whatever right?So I realized that the new year is really close so I'm not entirely sure that I am going to reach the goal that I set.I'm still really happy that I was able to get this many reads in a time period of just a few months.I have my readers to thank for that.So thank you all so much.We have accomplished a lot these past few months.I'm proud.Lol.I'm not laughing but this is America so we just put "lol" places to make it seem less serious.

So in the new year I am starting my YouTube channel.I am not entirely sure what it is going to be called.I just know that it is going to be a vlogging channel.I'm gonna do fashion reviews.Fanfiction reviews.I might do some covers of songs.And it will also be a rant channel.My first video will be a fashion review(I think..fingers crossed.).If it isn't the fashion thing then it will be a rant.I think a rant would get me more subscribers than the review would.Although I think the review would be equally funny.

I don't want a lot of my friends to watch my videos because I might talk about them a bit.And when I say friends I mean the people I go to school with.I get really mean and I'm afraid that I might hurt their feelings or something.It would be bad if I did.

But I felt the need to update so that we could still try to reach the goal.I really really really want to reach it.Do any of you guys think that it is weird that you guys are reading my diary.It is a nice thing to do but its a bit creepy.Lol.That doesn't mean that you should stop reading.

I wanna know what you guys are doing for new years?What are some traditions that you do in your culture to bring in the new year?Oh wow.I feel like a English teacher or something.Make sure you turn in your work at the end of class(COMMENT).I have issues.Big ones.

But yeah.Have a great day.Subscribe to my channel once it is up and I will love you forever.You guys are awesome.Happy new year.Merry Holidays?And I will see you all next year.Or tomorrow.It depends on just how lazy I truly am feeling tomorrow.Laters.Love you lots.

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