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Hey yall.Happy Holidays to each and every one of you.I really wanted to post something because it is Christmas and I have a brand new device to post on.So here it goes.

For Christmas I got an Austin Mahone poster and an Austin Mahone calendar for 2014.I am sooooo happy about that. I also got my new phone. It is a year old model but I still love it. I got the Nokia Lumia 920. It is a really good phone and I love it to pieces. Now I have emoticons on my phone and stuff. It is really cool I also got Just Dance 2014. It is a lot of fun so far and I absolutely love it. I also got the new Bop It game. You know the Tetris one.I haven't taken it out of the box yet but it looks fun and I have all of the other Bop It games so I hope that this one lives up to the rest. I also got an ITunes gift card.$10 baby! Woop woop!

I don't think I have anything else to say other than the fact that I hope you guys have a very good holiday break.

I love you all.And as a present I will share something with you all. My friend has a LARRY STYLINSON story on here.Even if you guys don't ship it would mean a lot to me and her if you read it.Hey maybe you will like it.You won't know unless you read.I think it is called the Boy Next Door.She won't tell me so I have know idea what it is called. Okay bye now.

Love you bye bye beauties!

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